Graph Drawing Toolkit

An object-oriented C++ library for handling and drawing graphs

undi_graph Class Reference

#include <rm3_undi_graph.h>

Inheritance diagram for undi_graph:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for undi_graph:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool make_embedding_planar_boyer ()
 undi_graph ()
 ~undi_graph ()
 undi_graph (const undi_graph &ug)
undi_graphoperator= (const undi_graph &ug)
void local_get (gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > *&p, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > *&p0, gdt::gdtnode_map< struct_undi_node_info > *&p2, gdt::gdtedge_map< struct_undi_edge_info > *&p3, gdt::gdtlist< constraint > *&p4, gdt::gdtmap< int, gdtnode > *&p5, gdt::gdtmap< int, gdtedge > *&p6, gdt::gdtmap< int, constraint > *&p7, int &p8, int &p9, int &p10, bool &p11)
const undi_graphnodes_and_edges () const
int generate_node_id ()
int generate_edge_id ()
int generate_constraint_id ()
int id (gdtnode v) const
int id (gdtedge e) const
int id (constraint c) const
int get_max_node_id () const
int get_max_edge_id () const
int get_max_constraint_id () const
int degree (gdtnode v) const
int degree_in (gdtnode v) const
int degree_out (gdtnode v) const
int number_of_nodes () const
int number_of_edges () const
int number_of_constraints () const
constraint_type type_of_constraint (constraint c) const
int max_degree () const
int min_degree () const
int number_of_extremals () const
int connected_components (gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &component) const
int biconnected_components (gdtnode v, gdt::gdtnode_map< dfs_node_info * > &vettore_nodi, gdt::gdtlist< undi_graph * > &bic) const
bool node_belongs_to_edge (gdtnode v, gdtedge e) const
bool edge_is_directed (gdtedge e) const
bool all_edges_are_directed () const
bool is_st_digraph (gdtnode &s, gdtnode &t)
bool is_connected () const
bool is_biconnected () const
bool is_acyclic () const
bool is_candidate (gdtnode v) const
bool is_candidate () const
bool is_source (gdtnode v) const
bool is_target (gdtnode v) const
bool is_extremal (gdtnode v) const
bool is_extremal (gdtnode v, gdtedge e) const
bool is_internal (gdtnode v) const
bool is_internal (gdtnode v, gdtedge e) const
bool is_multiple (gdtedge e) const
bool is_marked (gdtnode v, marker_type m) const
bool is_marked (gdtedge e, marker_type m) const
gdtnode find_first_node_marked_as (marker_type m) const
gdtedge find_first_edge_marked_as (marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodefind_nodes_marked_as (marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgefind_edges_marked_as (marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgefind_adj_edges_marked_as (gdtnode v, marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgefind_adj_edges_not_marked_as (gdtnode v, marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgefind_in_edges_marked_as (gdtnode v, marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgefind_out_edges_marked_as (gdtnode v, marker_type m) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeedges_with_extremal_nodes (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2) const
gdtnode node_between_adj_edges (gdtedge e1, gdtedge e2) const
bool simple_DFS (gdtnode v, gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &reached, gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &father, gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &order) const
bool simple_BFS (gdtnode v, gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &reached, gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &father, gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &dist, gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &order) const
bool complex_DFS (gdtnode v, gdtedge e, gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &reached, gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &father, gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &order, gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtnode > &lowpt1, gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtnode > &lowpt2, gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &num_succ, bool &root_is_articulated) const
bool spanning_tree (gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &spanned_edges, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &unspanned_edges, gdtnode start_node=NULL_NODE) const
int unweighted_unoriented_shortest_path (gdtnode start_node, gdtnode end_node, gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &nodes, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &edges) const
void visit_from_node_through_not_marked_nodes (gdtnode v, gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &marked_node, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &visited_edges) const
gdtnode compare (gdtnode v, gdtnode w, gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &f, compare_option co=MIN) const
gdtnode find_node (int id) const
gdtnode first_node () const
gdtnode last_node () const
gdtnode succ_node (gdtnode v) const
gdtnode pred_node (gdtnode v) const
gdtnode source (gdtedge e) const
gdtnode target (gdtedge e) const
gdtnode opposite (gdtnode v, gdtedge e) const
gdtnode start (gdtedge e) const
gdtnode stop (gdtedge e) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodeadj_nodes (gdtnode v) const
const gdt::gdtlist
< gdtnode > & 
all_nodes () const
gdtedge find_edge (int id) const
gdtedge find_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2) const
gdtedge first_edge () const
gdtedge last_edge () const
gdtedge succ_edge (gdtedge e) const
gdtedge pred_edge (gdtedge e) const
gdtedge first_in_edge (gdtnode v)
gdtedge first_out_edge (gdtnode v)
gdtedge first_adj_edge (gdtnode v) const
gdtedge last_in_edge (gdtnode v)
gdtedge last_out_edge (gdtnode v)
gdtedge last_adj_edge (gdtnode v) const
gdtedge in_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge out_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge adj_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge in_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge out_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge adj_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge cyclic_in_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge cyclic_out_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge cyclic_adj_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge cyclic_in_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge cyclic_out_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
gdtedge cyclic_adj_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge find_directed_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2)
gdtedge reverse_of_edge (gdtedge e)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgein_edges (gdtnode v)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeout_edges (gdtnode v)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeadj_edges (gdtnode v) const
const gdt::gdtlist
< gdtedge > & 
all_edges () const
gdt::list_item pos_of_edge_in_adj_edges_of_node (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
constraint find_constraint (int id) const
constraint first_constraint () const
constraint last_constraint () const
constraint succ_constraint (constraint c) const
constraint pred_constraint (constraint c) const
const gdt::gdtlist
< constraint > & 
all_constraints () const
< constraint
constraints_on_edge (gdtedge e)
< constraint
constraints_on_node (gdtnode v)
< marker_type
markers (gdtnode v) const
< marker_type
markers (gdtedge e) const
gdtnode corresponding_node (gdtnode v, const undi_graph &ug) const
gdtedge corresponding_edge (gdtedge e, const undi_graph &ug) const
constraint corresponding_constraint (constraint c, const undi_graph &ug) const
void build_mapping_node_to_node_with_undi_graph (const undi_graph &ug, gdt::gdtnode_map< gdtnode > &node_corr_in_ug) const
void build_mapping_edge_to_edge_with_undi_graph (const undi_graph &ug, gdt::gdtedge_map< gdtedge > &edge_corr_in_ug) const
gdtnode new_node (int new_id=AUTO_ID)
gdtnode new_node (gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > L, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
gdtedge new_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
gdtedge new_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtedge e1, gdtnode v2, int new_id=AUTO_ID, int dir=gdt::after)
gdtedge new_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtedge e1, gdtnode v2, gdtedge e2, int new_id=AUTO_ID, int dir=gdt::after)
constraint new_constraint (constraint c)
constraint new_constraint_uncrossable_edge (gdtedge e, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_number_of_bends_on_edge (gdtedge e, bend_constraint b, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_bend_direction_on_edge (gdtedge e, gdtnode v, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_same_face_node (gdtnode v, int face_label, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
< constraint
new_constraint_same_face_node (gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > Ln, int face_label)
constraint new_constraint_same_face_ordered_nodes (gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > Ln, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_node_width (gdtnode n, double x, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_node_height (gdtnode n, double x, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_angle_sweep (gdtnode rn, gdtedge re, angle_type alpha, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_edge_attachment_wrt_previous_corner (gdtnode rn, gdtedge re, int value, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
constraint new_constraint_min_tieing (int value, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void del_node (gdtnode v)
void del_edge (gdtedge e)
void del_constraint (constraint c)
void del_constraints_type (constraint_type ct)
void del_all_constraints ()
void del_all_constraints_involving_edge (gdtedge e)
void del_all_constraints_involving_node (gdtnode v)
void del_constraints_type_involving_edge (constraint_type ct, gdtedge e)
void del_constraints_type_involving_node (constraint_type ct, gdtnode v)
void clear ()
void mirror (undi_graph &ug)
void forget ()
void assign_id (gdtnode v, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void assign_id (gdtedge e, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void assign_id (constraint c, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void mark (gdtnode v, marker_type m)
void mark (gdtedge e, marker_type m)
void mark (gdtnode v, gdt::gdtlist< marker_type > ml)
void mark (gdtedge e, gdt::gdtlist< marker_type > ml)
void unmark (gdtnode v, marker_type m)
void unmark (gdtedge e, marker_type m)
void unmark_all (gdtnode v)
void unmark_all (gdtedge e)
void make_embedding_as (const undi_graph &ug)
void make_embedding_cand (gdtnode v)
void make_embedding_cand ()
bool make_embedding_planar ()
bool make_embedding_cand_planar ()
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgemake_embedding_cand_expanded ()
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodemake_simple ()
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgemake_connected ()
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgemake_biconnected ()
int make_max_degree (int d)
void make_directed (gdtedge e, gdtnode v)
void make_directed (bool randomly=false)
void make_directed (gdtnode s, gdtnode t)
void make_undirected (gdtedge e)
void make_undirected ()
void make_source (gdtnode v)
void make_sink (gdtnode v)
void reverse (gdtedge e)
void st_number (gdtedge e_st, gdtnode s, gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &st_num)
int calculate_level_of_node (gdtnode v, gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &levels_buffer)
void calculate_level_of_all_nodes (gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &levels_buffer)
gdtedge weld_edges_at_node (gdtnode v)
gdtedge expand (gdtnode v, gdtedge e_init, gdtedge e_end)
gdtnode contract (gdtedge e)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodecontract ()
void update_max_node_id ()
void update_max_edge_id ()
void update_max_constraint_id ()
void rise_max_node_id (int new_max_node_id)
void rise_max_edge_id (int new_max_edge_id)
void rise_max_constraint_id (int new_max_constraint_id)
int planarize (planarize_options po=DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgereplace_edge_with_path (gdtedge e, gdt::gdtlist< int > &node_id_path, gdt::gdtlist< int > &edge_id_path)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgereplace_edge_with_path_of_graph (gdtedge e, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &edge_path, undi_graph &ug)
void generate_plan_biconnected (int n, double prob_iv, int k=INFINITE, bool multiple=true)
void disable_keep_ordering_of_directed_edges ()
void enable_keep_ordering_of_directed_edges ()
bool write (std::string file_name)
bool read (std::string file_name)
void append_section_to_fstream (std::ofstream &out)
void read_section_from_fstream (std::ifstream &in)
void print (print_mode mode=BY_NODES, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (gdtnode v, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (gdtedge e, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (constraint c, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print_constraints_on_node (gdtnode v, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
void print_constraints_on_edge (gdtedge e, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
void print_constraints (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
bool internal_consistency_check () const
bool bm_spanning_tree (bm_node_info node_vector[], gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &added_edges, bic_obj_node *IMM[], gdtnode v, bool reached[], bool e_reached[], gdtedge iterator[], gdtnode graph_nodes[], int &nodes_in_component, bic_obj *&bic_obj_actual_pointer, bic_obj_node *&bic_obj_node_actual_pointer)
void create_children_ordered (bm_node_info node_vector[], gdtnode graph_nodes[], int nodes_in_component)
void create_out_back_edges_ordered (bm_node_info node_vector[])
bool bm_preprocessing (bm_node_info node_vector[], gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &added_edges, gdtnode root, bic_obj_node *IMM[], bool reached[], bool e_reached[], gdtedge iterator[], int &nodes_in_component, gdtnode graph_nodes[], bic_obj *&bic_obj_actual_pointer, bic_obj_node *&bic_obj_node_actual_pointer)
int create_bicomp (gdtnode root, bm_node_info node_vector[], gdt::gdtnode_map< bic_obj_node * > &IMM)
bool make_planar_embedding (bm_node_info node_vector[], bic_obj_node *IMM[], gdtnode root, bool edge_to_be_inserted[], int flip[], bic_obj *&bic_obj_actual_pointer)
bool merge_biconnected (gdt::gdtlist< undi_graph * > &bic)
bool boyer (gdtnode root)
bool is_planar ()
void destroy_bicomp (gdt::gdtlist< bic_obj * > &bic_obj_created)
int compare_embedding (undi_graph &ug)
void visible_subgraph (gdtnode n, int k, undi_graph &vg)
int kplanarity (gdtnode n)
int extended_kplanarity (gdtnode n)
void kplanarity (gdt::gdtnode_map< int > &kplan)
void extended_kplanarity (gdt::gdtnode_map< int > &kplan)
bool quick_minimum_spanning_tree (gdt::gdtedge_map< int > weights, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &span_edges)

Protected Member Functions

void set_source (gdtedge, gdtnode)
void update_constraints_after_del_edge (gdtedge e)
void update_constraints_after_del_node (gdtnode v)
void update_constraints_after_split_edge (gdtedge e, gdtedge e1, gdtedge e2)
void update_constraints_after_split_node (gdtnode v, gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2)
void update_constraints_after_merge_edges (gdtedge e1, gdtedge e2, gdtedge e)
void update_constraints_after_merge_nodes (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2, gdtnode v)
void update_constraints_after_edge_translation (gdtedge e, gdtnode ve1, gdtnode ve2, gdtedge d, gdtnode vd1, gdtnode vd2)
void update_constraints_on_path_replacing_edge (gdtedge e, undi_graph &ug, gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > path)
void copy_constraints_from_subgraph_of_undi_graph (gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &sub, undi_graph &ug)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgepath_corresponding_to_edge (gdtedge, undi_graph &) const
int count_not_dummy_nodes () const


class SPQR_tree
class struct_constraint
class bic_obj
class bic_obj_node

Detailed Description

An undi_graph object represents a multi-graph that is not necessarily connected. The nodes of the graph are denoted by gdtnode references, and the edges are denoted by gdtedge references. Each edge of an undi_graph can be directed or not. This also means that the graph may have both directed and unidirected edges at the same time. Also, an undi_graph is always equipped with an embedding, which describes the counterclockwise ordering of the edges incident on each node. Such embedding is preserved when the undi_graph is copied into another undi_graph object.

Nodes and edges of an undi_graph object have non-negative integer identifiers. Two distinct nodes (resp. edges) can not have the same identifier. Identifiers are preserved during each copy of the graph.

In addition to nodes and edges, an undi_graph object can have a list of constraints. A constraint can be a topological or a drawing constraint. For example, a topological constraint may require that a specified edge is not allowed to cross in the current graph embedding; a drawing constraint may require that a specified node has a given size. Constraint can be created and added to an undi_graph with public methods. As for nodes and edges, each constraint has a non-negative integer identifier. Constraints and their identifiers are preserved during copy operations.

NOTICE: selfloops are not handled.

Definition at line 792 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

undi_graph::undi_graph (  ) 

Empty constructor. Creates an undi_graph object without nodes and edges.

See also:
undi_graph(const undi_graph& ug)

undi_graph::~undi_graph (  ) 

Destructor. Deallocates the memory required by the undi_graph object.

undi_graph::undi_graph ( const undi_graph ug  ) 

Copy constructor. Creates an undi_graph object, and initializes it with the same topology and embedding as ug.

&ug an undi_graph object
See also:

Member Function Documentation

bool undi_graph::make_embedding_planar_boyer (  ) 

void undi_graph::set_source ( gdtedge  ,
) [protected]

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_del_edge ( gdtedge  e  )  [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_del_node ( gdtnode  v  )  [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_split_edge ( gdtedge  e,
gdtedge  e1,
gdtedge  e2 
) [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_split_node ( gdtnode  v,
gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2 
) [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_merge_edges ( gdtedge  e1,
gdtedge  e2,
gdtedge  e 
) [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_merge_nodes ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2,
gdtnode  v 
) [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_after_edge_translation ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  ve1,
gdtnode  ve2,
gdtedge  d,
gdtnode  vd1,
gdtnode  vd2 
) [protected]

void undi_graph::update_constraints_on_path_replacing_edge ( gdtedge  e,
undi_graph ug,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge path 
) [protected]

void undi_graph::copy_constraints_from_subgraph_of_undi_graph ( gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  sub,
undi_graph ug 
) [protected]

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::path_corresponding_to_edge ( gdtedge  ,
) const [protected]

int undi_graph::count_not_dummy_nodes (  )  const [protected]

undi_graph& undi_graph::operator= ( const undi_graph ug  ) 

Copy operator. Deletes all nodes and edges of the undi_graph object, and makes it as a copy of the undi_graph ug.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, dire_graph, draw_undi_graph, flow_dire_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, tree, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::local_get ( gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > *&  p,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > *&  p0,
gdt::gdtnode_map< struct_undi_node_info > *&  p2,
gdt::gdtedge_map< struct_undi_edge_info > *&  p3,
gdt::gdtlist< constraint > *&  p4,
gdt::gdtmap< int, gdtnode > *&  p5,
gdt::gdtmap< int, gdtedge > *&  p6,
gdt::gdtmap< int, constraint > *&  p7,
int p8,
int p9,
int p10,
bool &  p11 

const undi_graph& undi_graph::nodes_and_edges (  )  const

int undi_graph::generate_node_id (  ) 

Automatically generates a new valid gdtnode identifier for this graph. A gdtnode identifier is valid when it is distinct from any other gdtnode identifier in the graph.

a non-negative integer that is a valid gdtnode identifier

int undi_graph::generate_edge_id (  ) 

Automatically generates a new valid gdtedge identifier for this graph. A gdtedge identifier is valid when it is distinct from any other gdtedge identifier in the graph.

a non-negative integer that is a valid gdtedge identifier

int undi_graph::generate_constraint_id (  ) 

Automatically generates a new valid constraint identifier for this graph. A constraint identifier is valid when it is distinct from any other constraint identifier in the graph.

a non-negative integer that is a valid constraint identifier

int undi_graph::id ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Returns a gdtnode identifier.

v a gdtnode of this graph.
the identifier of v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

Referenced by gdt::PQ_tree< T >::PQ_tree_into_undi_graph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int undi_graph::id ( gdtedge  e  )  const

Returns a gdtedge identifier.

e a gdtedge of this graph.
the identifier of e.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

int undi_graph::id ( constraint  c  )  const

Returns a constraint identifier.

c a constraint of this graph.
the identifier of c.

int undi_graph::get_max_node_id (  )  const

Returns the maximum value of a gdtnode identifier in this graph.

the maximum value of a gdtnode identifier in this graph.

int undi_graph::get_max_edge_id (  )  const

Returns the maximum value of a gdtedge identifier in this graph.

the maximum value of a gdtedge identifier in this graph.

int undi_graph::get_max_constraint_id (  )  const

the maximum value of a constraint identifier in this graph.

the maximum value of a constraint identifier in this graph.

int undi_graph::degree ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Counts the number of edges incident on a gdtnode.

v a gdtnode of this graph
the number of edges incident on v

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

int undi_graph::degree_in ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Counts the number of incoming edges incident on a gdtnode.

v a gdtnode of this graph
the number of incoming edges incident on v

int undi_graph::degree_out ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Counts the number of outgoing edges incident on a gdtnode.

v a gdtnode of this graph
the number of outgoing edges incident on v

int undi_graph::number_of_nodes (  )  const

Counts the number of nodes of the graph.

the number of nodes of the graph.

int undi_graph::number_of_edges (  )  const

Counts the number of edges of the graph.

the number of edges of the graph.

int undi_graph::number_of_constraints (  )  const

Counts the number of constraints on the graph.

the number of constraints on the graph.

constraint_type undi_graph::type_of_constraint ( constraint  c  )  const

Reads the type of a constraint.

c a constraint on this graph
the constraint_type of c

int undi_graph::max_degree (  )  const

Counts the maximum number of edges incident on a node of this graph.

the maximum number of edges incident on a node of this graph.

int undi_graph::min_degree (  )  const

Counts the minimum number of edges incident on a node of this graph.

the minimum number of edges incident on a node of this graph.

int undi_graph::number_of_extremals (  )  const

Returns the total number of extremal nodes of the graph. A node is extremal if it is a source node (node with only outgoing edges) or if it is a sink node (node with only incoming edges).

NOTICE: An undirected edge is considered both incoming and outgoing.

the total number of extremal nodes of the graph.

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

int undi_graph::connected_components ( gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  component  )  const

Computes the set C of all connected components of the graph. Each connected component is identified by an integer number in the range [1, ..., |C|]. The array component[v] stores the number of the component containing the gdtnode v.

component a gdtnode_array of integer numbers
the total number of connected components, that is, |C|.

int undi_graph::biconnected_components ( gdtnode  v,
gdt::gdtnode_map< dfs_node_info * > &  vettore_nodi,
gdt::gdtlist< undi_graph * > &  bic 
) const

Computes the set of all biconnected components of the graph. The graph is visited starting by a specified node. The biconnected components are represented as undi_graph objects. Each biconnected component preserves the node and edge identifiers of the original graph.

PRECONDITIONS: the graph must be connected.

v the gdtnode used as the starting point for visiting the graph
node_information[u] stores the dfs_node_info of each node list of the biconnected components.
the number of biconnected components.

bool undi_graph::node_belongs_to_edge ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e 
) const

Informs if a node is an end-node of an edge.

v a gdtnode
e a gdtedge
true if v is an end-node of e, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::edge_is_directed ( gdtedge  e  )  const

Informs if an edge is directed.

e a gdtedge
true if e is directed, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::all_edges_are_directed (  )  const

Informs if all edges of the graph are directed.

true if all edges are directed, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::is_st_digraph ( gdtnode s,
gdtnode t 

Checks if the graph is an st-digraph. An st-digraph is an acyclic directed graph with a single source and a single sink.

&s a gdtnode in which the source node is stored in positive case
&t a gdtnode in which the sink node is stored in positive case
true if the graph is an st-digraph.

bool undi_graph::is_connected (  )  const

Checks if the graph is connected.

true if the graph is connected, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::is_biconnected (  )  const

Checks if the graph is biconnected.

true if the graph is biconnected, and false otherwise..

bool undi_graph::is_acyclic (  )  const

Checks if the (undirected) graph is acyclic, i.e., if it is a forest.

true if the graph is acyclic, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::is_candidate ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Checks if a gdtnode is candidate (bimodal), that is, if both its incoming edges and its outgoing edges appear consecutive in a circular order.

v a gdtnode
true if node v is bimodal, and else otherwise.

bool undi_graph::is_candidate (  )  const

Checks if all nodes are candidate (bimodal).

true if each node is bimodal.
See also:
is_candidate(gdtnode v)

bool undi_graph::is_source ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Checks if a node is a source node (without incoming edges)

v a gdtnode
true if v is a source node, and false otherwise.

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::is_target ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Checks if a node is a target (sink) node (without outgoing edges)

v a gdtnode
true if v is a target node, and false otherwise.

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::is_extremal ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::is_extremal ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e 
) const

Checks if edge e and its successive edge in the counterclocwise incident list of node v are both incoming or both outgoing.

v a gdtnode
e a gdtedge incident on v
true if e and its successor are both incoming or both outgoing, and false otherwise.
PRECONDITIONS: v is an end-node of e.

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::is_internal ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Checks if node v is an internal vertex, that is, if it is neither a source nor a sink.

v a gdtnode
true if v is internal, and false otherwise.

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::is_internal ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e 
) const

Checks if edge e and its successive edge in the counterclocwise incident list of node v have opposite orientation.

v a gdtnode
e a gdtedge incident on v
true if e and its successor have opposite orientation, and false otherwise.
PRECONDITIONS: v is an end-node of e.

Reimplemented in upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::is_multiple ( gdtedge  e  )  const

Checks if there are some other edges with the same end-node as edge e.

e a gdtedge
true if there are other edges with the same end-nodes as e, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::is_marked ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 
) const

Checks if node v has a marker of type m.

v a gdtnode
m a valid marker_type
true if v has a marker of type m, and false otherwise.

bool undi_graph::is_marked ( gdtedge  e,
marker_type  m 
) const

Checks if edge e has a marker of type m.

e a gdtedge
m a valid marker_type
true if e has a marker of type m, and false otherwise.

gdtnode undi_graph::find_first_node_marked_as ( marker_type  m  )  const

Finds the first node with the specified marker type m.

m a marker type.
the first gdtnode in the gdtnode-list of the graph that is marked m.

gdtedge undi_graph::find_first_edge_marked_as ( marker_type  m  )  const

Finds the first edge with the specified marker type m.

m a marker type.
the first gdtedge in the gdtedge-list of the graph that is marked m.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> undi_graph::find_nodes_marked_as ( marker_type  m  )  const

Finds all nodes having the specified marker type m.

m a marker type.
the list of gdtnodes marked m.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::find_edges_marked_as ( marker_type  m  )  const

Finds all edges having the specified marker type m.

m a marker type.
the list of gdtedges marked m.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::find_adj_edges_marked_as ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 
) const

Finds all edges incident on node v that have the specified marker type m.

v a gdtnode.
m a marker type.
the list of gdtedges marked m and incident on v.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::find_adj_edges_not_marked_as ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 
) const

Finds all edges incident on node v that do not have the specified marker type m.

v a gdtnode
m a marker type
the list of gdtedges not marked m and incident on v.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::find_in_edges_marked_as ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 
) const

Finds all edges incoming on node v that have the specified marker type m.

v a gdtnode.
m a marker type.
the list of gdtedges marked m and incoming on v.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::find_out_edges_marked_as ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 
) const

Finds all edges outgoing from node v that have the specified marker type m.

v a gdtnode.
m a marker type.
the list of gdtedges marked m and outgoing from v.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::edges_with_extremal_nodes ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2 
) const

Finds the list of the edges with end-nodes v1 and v2. If the graph has not multiple edges, such a list contains at most one element.

v1 a gdtnode.
v2 a gdtnode.
the list of the edges with end-nodes v1 and v2.

gdtnode undi_graph::node_between_adj_edges ( gdtedge  e1,
gdtedge  e2 
) const

Finds, if it exists, a node shared by the two edges e1 and e2.

e1 a gdtedge.
e2 a gdtedge.
the common end-node of e1 and e2, if it exists, otherwise NULL_NODE is returned.

bool undi_graph::simple_DFS ( gdtnode  v,
gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &  reached,
gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &  father,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &  order 
) const

Performs a depth first search (DFS) of the underlying undirected graph, starting from the specified node v. Information about the DFS tree are returned in the parameters. NOTICE: you should initialize all array and list parameters before calling the method.

v a gdtnode representing the starting node
reached [w] = true if the gdtnode w is visited.
father [w] = father gdtedge of w in the DFS tree.
order = ordered list of the visited nodes.
false if the underlying undirected graph is acyclic.
See also:

bool undi_graph::simple_BFS ( gdtnode  v,
gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &  reached,
gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &  father,
gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  dist,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &  order 
) const

Performs a breadth first search (BFS) of the underlying undirected graph, starting from the specified node v. Information about the BFS tree are returned in the parameters. NOTICE: you should initialize all array and list parameters before calling the method.

v a gdtnode representing the starting node
reached[w] = true if the gdtnode w is visited.
father[w] = father gdtedge of w in the BFS tree.
dist[w] = minimum distance of w from v
order = ordered list of the visited nodes.
false if the underlying undirected graph is acyclic.

bool undi_graph::complex_DFS ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e,
gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &  reached,
gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &  father,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &  order,
gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtnode > &  lowpt1,
gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtnode > &  lowpt2,
gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  num_succ,
bool &  root_is_articulated 
) const

Performs a depth first search (DFS) of the underlying undirected graph, starting from the specified node v. With respect to method simple_DFS, more information about the DFS tree are returned in the parameters. NOTICE: you should initialize all array and list parameters before calling the method.

reached[w] = true if gdtnode w is visited.
reached[w] = true if the gdtnode w is visited.
father[w] = father gdtedge of w in the DFS tree.
lowpt1[w] = the highest ancestor of w, reacheable from w or from a descendant of w with a backward edge.
lowpt2[w] = the second highest ancestor of w, reacheable from w or from a descendant of w with a backward edge.
num_succ[w] = number of descendants of w.
root_is_articulated = true if v is a cut-node of the graph.
false if the underlying undirected graph is acyclic.
See also:

bool undi_graph::spanning_tree ( gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  spanned_edges,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  unspanned_edges,
gdtnode  start_node = NULL_NODE 
) const

Computes the list spanned_edges of the edges in a spanning tree of the graph. The visit starts from the gdtnode start_node (if given). The list "unspanned_edges" is the list of the edges that do not belong to the spanning tree.

PRECONDITIONS: lists spanned_edges and unspanned_edges must be empty (checked).

spanned_edges the computed list of spanned edges
unspanned_edges the computed list of unspanned edges
false if the graph has no vertices.

int undi_graph::unweighted_unoriented_shortest_path ( gdtnode  start_node,
gdtnode  end_node,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode > &  nodes,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  edges 
) const

Computes an unoriented shortest path from node start and node end. The lists edges and nodes represent the ordered sequence of all edges and nodes (including nodes start and end) in the path.

start the starting gdtnode
end the ending gdtnode
nodes the ordered list of gdtnodes in the path
edges the ordered list of gdtedges in the path
the length (number of edges) of the shortest path.

void undi_graph::visit_from_node_through_not_marked_nodes ( gdtnode  v,
gdt::gdtnode_array< bool > &  marked_node,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  visited_edges 
) const

Executes an unoriented BFS-visit starting from node v and traversing only nodes that are not in the list marked_nodes. The list visited_edges is the list of the visited edges.

v the starting gdtnode
marked_nodes the list of nodes that cannot be traversed
visited_edges the list of edges visited in the BFS.

gdtnode undi_graph::compare ( gdtnode  v,
gdtnode  w,
gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  f,
compare_option  co = MIN 
) const

Computes the minimum (if co == MIN) or the maximum (if co == MAX) between f[v] and f[w], where v and w are two nodes of the graph, and f is an integer function on the nodes of the graph.

v a gdtnode
w a gdtnode
f a gdtnode_array<int> function
co an enumerate value in {MIN,MAX}

gdtnode undi_graph::find_node ( int  id  )  const

Finds the gdtnode with the specified identifier.

id an integer number
the gdtnode with identifier id if it exists, otherwise NULL_NODE is returned.

Reimplemented in draw_undi_graph.

Referenced by gdt::PQ_tree< T >::PQ_tree_into_undi_graph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gdtnode undi_graph::first_node (  )  const

the first gdtnode in the gdtnode-list of the graph.

gdtnode undi_graph::last_node (  )  const

the last gdtnode in the gdtnode-list of the graph.

gdtnode undi_graph::succ_node ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the gdtnode that follows v in the gdtnode-list of the graph.

gdtnode undi_graph::pred_node ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the gdtnode that precedes v in the gdtnode-list of the graph.

gdtnode undi_graph::source ( gdtedge  e  )  const [inline]

e a gdtedge
the source node of edge e.

Definition at line 2091 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

gdtnode undi_graph::target ( gdtedge  e  )  const [inline]

e a gdtedge
the target node of edge e.

Definition at line 2108 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

gdtnode undi_graph::opposite ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e 
) const [inline]

v a gdtnode
e a gdtedge
the gdtnode opposite to v on edge e.
PRECONDITIONS: v is an end-node of e.

Definition at line 2127 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

gdtnode undi_graph::start ( gdtedge  e  )  const [inline]

e a gdtedge
the start node of edge e if e is directed, otherwise NULL_NODE is returned.

Definition at line 2153 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

gdtnode undi_graph::stop ( gdtedge  e  )  const

e a gdtedge
the stop node of edge e if e is directed, otherwise NULL_NODE is returned.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> undi_graph::adj_nodes ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the list of all nodes that are adjacent to v.

const gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode>& undi_graph::all_nodes (  )  const

a constant reference to the gdtnode-list of the graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::find_edge ( int  id  )  const

Finds the edge with the specified identifier.

id an integer number
the gdtedge with identifier id if it exists, otherwise NULL_EDGE is returned.

Reimplemented in draw_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::find_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2 
) const

Finds an edge having the specified end-nodes.

v1 a gdtnode
v2 a gdtnode
a gdtedge with end-nodes v1 and v2 if there exists one, otherwise NULL_EDGE is returned.

gdtedge undi_graph::first_edge (  )  const

the first gdtedge of the gdtedge-list of the graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::last_edge (  )  const

the last gdtedge of the gdtedge-list of the graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::succ_edge ( gdtedge  e  )  const

e a gdtedge
the edge that follows e in the gdtedge-list of the graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::pred_edge ( gdtedge  e  )  const

e a gdtedge
the edge that precedes e in the gdtedge-list of the graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::first_in_edge ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
the first edge in the list of the incoming edges of v.

gdtedge undi_graph::first_out_edge ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
the first edge in the list of the outgoing edges of v.

gdtedge undi_graph::first_adj_edge ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the first edge in the list of incident edges of v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::last_in_edge ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
the last edge in the list of incident edges of v.

gdtedge undi_graph::last_out_edge ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
the last edge in the list of the outgoing edges of v.

gdtedge undi_graph::last_adj_edge ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the last edge in the list of the incident edges of v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::in_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that follows e in the list of incoming edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incoming v.

gdtedge undi_graph::out_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that follows e in the list of outgoing edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is outgoing v.

gdtedge undi_graph::adj_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that follows e in the list of incident edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incident on v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::in_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that precedes e in the list of incoming edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incoming v.

gdtedge undi_graph::out_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that precedes e in the list of outgoing edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is outgoing v.

gdtedge undi_graph::adj_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that precedes e in the list of incident edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incident on v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::cyclic_in_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that cyclically follows e in the circular list of incoming edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incoming v.

gdtedge undi_graph::cyclic_out_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that cyclically follows e in the circular list of outgping edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is outgoing v.

gdtedge undi_graph::cyclic_adj_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that cyclically follows e in the circular list of incident edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incident on v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::cyclic_in_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that cyclically precedes e in the circular list of incoming edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incoming v.

gdtedge undi_graph::cyclic_out_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that cyclically precedes e in the circular list of outgoing edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is outgoing v.

gdtedge undi_graph::cyclic_adj_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the edge that cyclically precedes e in the circular list of incident edges of v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incident on v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::find_directed_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2 

Finds an edge having the start and the stop end-nodes specified.

v1 a gdtnode
v2 a gdtnode
a directed gdtedge having v1 as start end-node and v2 as stop end-node if there exists any, otherwise NULL_EDGE is returned.

gdtedge undi_graph::reverse_of_edge ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Finds an edge having the reverse orientation of the specified edge

e a gdtedge
a gdtedge having the reverse orientation of e if there exists one, otherwise NULL_EDGE is returned.
NOTICE: the method returns NULL_EDGE even if e is undirected.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::in_edges ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
the list of incoming edges of v.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::out_edges ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
the list of outgoing edges of v.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::adj_edges ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the list of indicent edges of v.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

const gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge>& undi_graph::all_edges (  )  const

a constant reference to the gdtedge-list of the graph.

gdt::list_item undi_graph::pos_of_edge_in_adj_edges_of_node ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Finds the position of an edge in the list of incident edges of a node.

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
the position of e in the list of incident edges of gdtnode v.
PRECONDITIONS: e is incident on v.

constraint undi_graph::find_constraint ( int  id  )  const

Finds the constraint with the specified identifier.

id an integer number
the constraint with identifier id if it exists, otherwise NULL_CONSTRAINT is returned.

constraint undi_graph::first_constraint (  )  const

the first constraint in the constraint-list of the graph.

constraint undi_graph::last_constraint (  )  const

the last constraint in the constraint-list of the graph.

constraint undi_graph::succ_constraint ( constraint  c  )  const

c a constraint
the constraint that follows c in the constraint-list of the graph.

constraint undi_graph::pred_constraint ( constraint  c  )  const

c a constraint
the constraint that precedes c in the constraint-list of the graph.

const gdt::gdtlist<constraint>& undi_graph::all_constraints (  )  const

a constant reference to the constraint-list of the graph.

gdt::gdtlist<constraint> undi_graph::constraints_on_edge ( gdtedge  e  ) 

e a gdtedge
the list of constraints involving e.

gdt::gdtlist<constraint> undi_graph::constraints_on_node ( gdtnode  v  ) 

v a gdtnode
a list of all constraints involving gdtnode v.

gdt::gdtlist<marker_type> undi_graph::markers ( gdtnode  v  )  const

v a gdtnode
the list of all markers of gdtnode v.

gdt::gdtlist<marker_type> undi_graph::markers ( gdtedge  e  )  const

e a gdtedge
the list of all markers of gdtnode v.

gdtnode undi_graph::corresponding_node ( gdtnode  v,
const undi_graph ug 
) const

Searches in this graph a node with the same identifier as as node v of graph ug.

v a gdtnode
ug an undi_graph
a gdtnode of this graph with the same identifier as v if it exists, otherwise NULL_NODE is returned.
PRECONDITIONS: v is a node of ug.

gdtedge undi_graph::corresponding_edge ( gdtedge  e,
const undi_graph ug 
) const

Searches in this graph an edge with the same identifier as as edge e of graph ug.

e a gdtedge
ug an undi_graph
a gdtedge of this graph with the same identifier as e if it exists, otherwise NULL_EDGE is returned.
PRECONDITIONS: e is an edge of ug.

constraint undi_graph::corresponding_constraint ( constraint  c,
const undi_graph ug 
) const

Searches in this graph a constraint with the same identifier as as constraint c of graph ug.

c a constraint
ug an undi_graph
a constraint of this graph with the same identifier as c if it exists, otherwise NULL_CONSTRAINT is returned.
PRECONDITIONS: c is a constraint of ug.

void undi_graph::build_mapping_node_to_node_with_undi_graph ( const undi_graph ug,
gdt::gdtnode_map< gdtnode > &  node_corr_in_ug 
) const

Builds in linear time a mapping node_corr_in_ug between the nodes of this graph and the nodes of graph ug based on node identifiers

ug an undi_graph
node_corr_in_ug the gdtnode_map<gdtnode> constructed as output
NOTES: node_corr_in_ug is initialized on the nodes of this graph.

void undi_graph::build_mapping_edge_to_edge_with_undi_graph ( const undi_graph ug,
gdt::gdtedge_map< gdtedge > &  edge_corr_in_ug 
) const

Builds in linear time a mapping edge_corr_in_ug between the edges of this graph and the edges of graph ug based on edge identifiers

ug an undi_graph
edge_corr_in_ug the gdtedge_map<gdtedge> constructed as output
NOTES: edge_corr_in_ug is initialized on the nodes of this graph.

gdtnode undi_graph::new_node ( int  new_id = AUTO_ID  ) 

Adds to this graph a new node with identifier new_id. If not specified, new_id is automatically assigned as the integer that immediately follows the maximum node identifier in the graph.

new_id an integer number
the gdtnode created.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and unique.

Referenced by rel_coord_orth::new_node(), and gdt::PQ_tree< T >::PQ_tree_into_undi_graph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gdtnode undi_graph::new_node ( gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode L,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds to this graph a new node with identifier new_id. If not specified, new_id is automatically assigned as the integer that immediately follows the maximum node identifier in the graph. Also, the new node is attached to all nodes in the list L, in the same ordering they occur.

L,a list of nodes
new_id an integer number
the gdtnode created.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and unique. The nodes in L belongs to this graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::new_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds to this graph a new undirected edge connecting v1 (the source node) and v2 (the target node). If not specified, new_id is automatically assigned as the integer that immediately follows the maximum edge identifier in the graph.

v1 a gdtnode
v2 a gdtnode
new_id an integer number
the gdtedge created.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

Reimplemented in dire_graph.

Referenced by rel_coord_orth::new_edge(), and gdt::PQ_tree< T >::PQ_tree_into_undi_graph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

gdtedge undi_graph::new_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtedge  e1,
gdtnode  v2,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID,
int  dir = gdt::after 

Adds to this graph a new undirected edge connecting v1 (the source node) and v2 (the target node). If not specified, new_id is automatically assigned as the integer that immediately follows the maximum edge identifier in the graph. The new edge is inserted after(before) gdtedge e1 around v1.

v1 a gdtnode
e1 a gdtedge
v2 a gdtnode
new_id an integer number
dir a value between {after (default), before}
the gdtedge created.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique. Edge e1 is an incident edge of v1.

Reimplemented in dire_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::new_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtedge  e1,
gdtnode  v2,
gdtedge  e2,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID,
int  dir = gdt::after 

Adds to this graph a new undirected edge connecting v1 (the source node) and v2 (the target node). If not specified, new_id is automatically assigned as the integer that immediately follows the maximum edge identifier in the graph. The new edge is inserted after(before) gdtedge e1 around v1 and after(before) gdtedge e2 around v2.

v1 a gdtnode
e1 a gdtedge
v2 a gdtnode
e2 a gdtedge
new_id an integer number
dir a value between {after (default), before}
the gdtedge created.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique. Edge e1 is an incident edge of v1 and edge e2 is an incident edge of v2.

Reimplemented in dire_graph.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint ( constraint  c  ) 

Adds to this graph a new constraint that is a perfect copy of the given constraint c (the identifier is also preserved).

c a constraint
the new constraint
PRECONDITIONS: c is consistent with the graph topology and belongs to another graph.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_uncrossable_edge ( gdtedge  e,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds to this graph a new constraint imposing that edge e can not be crossed in the planarization procedure. The new constraint will have identifier new_id; if not specified, new_id will be assigned as the integer number that immediately follows the maximum constraint identifier in the graph.

e a gdtedge
new_id an integer number
the new constraint.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_number_of_bends_on_edge ( gdtedge  e,
bend_constraint  b,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds to this graph a new constraint on the number of bends that edge e can have in a drawing. The new constraint will have identifier new_id; if not specified, new_id will be assigned as the integer number that immediately follows the maximum constraint identifier in the graph.

e a gdtedge
b a bend_constraint; possible value for b are:
  • NONE: no bend on gdtedge (straight gdtedge)
  • ANY : any number of bends on gdtedge (zero cost bend on gdtedge).
    new_id an integer number
the new constraint.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_bend_direction_on_edge ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds a new constraint on the bend direction of edge e. More precisely, the constraint means that e can bend only to the right while moving from v. The new constraint will have identifier new_id; if not specified, new_id will be assigned as the integer number that immediately follows the maximum constraint identifier in the graph.

e a gdtedge
v a gdtnode
new_id an integer number
the new constraint.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique. Edge e is incident on v.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_same_face_node ( gdtnode  v,
int  face_label,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds a new planarization constraint imposing that node v belong to the same face as all other nodes having the same type of constraint with the same face_label.

v a gdtnode
face_label an integer label
new_id an integer number
the new constraint.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

gdt::gdtlist<constraint> undi_graph::new_constraint_same_face_node ( gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode Ln,
int  face_label 

Adds a new contraint same_face_node for each node in the list Ln.

Ln a gdtlist of gdtnodes
face_label an integer number
the list of new constraints.
See also:
new_constraint_same_face_node (gdtnode, int, int)

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_same_face_ordered_nodes ( gdt::gdtlist< gdtnode Ln,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds a new planarization constraint imposing that all the nodes in the given list Ln will belong to the same face in the order they are given while walking on the border of the face.

Ln a gdtlist of gdtnodes
face_label an integer number
the list of new constraints.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_node_width ( gdtnode  n,
double  x,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds a new constraint on the width of a node. This means that the node should have the specified width (in terms of grid units) in a drawing of the graph.

n a gdtnode
x a real number
new_id an integer number
the new constraint.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_node_height ( gdtnode  n,
double  x,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds a new constraint on the height of a node. This means that the node should have the specified height (in terms of grid units) in a drawing of the graph.

n a gdtnode
x a real number
new_id an integer number
the new constraint.
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_angle_sweep ( gdtnode  rn,
gdtedge  re,
angle_type  alpha,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_edge_attachment_wrt_previous_corner ( gdtnode  rn,
gdtedge  re,
int  value,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Adds a new constraint imposing that edge e attaches to vertex v with a distance value from the previous corner of the vertex, in a drawing of a graph. The previous corner is the corner preceding the side which the edge is incident to.

rn a gdtnode
re a gdtedge
value an integer number
new_id an integer number
PRECONDITIONS: if specified, new_id is non-negative and is unique. e is incident on v.

constraint undi_graph::new_constraint_min_tieing ( int  value,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

void undi_graph::del_node ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Delete the node v from this graph.

v a gdtnode

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, and split_component.

void undi_graph::del_edge ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Removes the edge e from this graph.

e a gdtedge

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, and split_component.

void undi_graph::del_constraint ( constraint  c  ) 

Removes the constraint c from this graph.

c a constraint

void undi_graph::del_constraints_type ( constraint_type  ct  ) 

Removes all constraints with ct type from this graph.

ct a constraint type

void undi_graph::del_all_constraints (  ) 

Removes all constraints from the graph.

void undi_graph::del_all_constraints_involving_edge ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Removes from this graph all constraints involving the edge e".

e a gdtedge

void undi_graph::del_all_constraints_involving_node ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Removes from this graph all constraints involving the node v".

v a gdtnode

void undi_graph::del_constraints_type_involving_edge ( constraint_type  ct,
gdtedge  e 

Removes all constraints with ct type involving the edge e.

ct a constraint type
e a gtdtedge

void undi_graph::del_constraints_type_involving_node ( constraint_type  ct,
gdtnode  v 

Removes all constraints with ct type involving the node v.

ct a constraint type
v a gtdtnode

void undi_graph::clear (  ) 

Removes all nodes and edges of the graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, dire_graph, draw_undi_graph, flow_dire_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, split_component, skeleton, SPQR_tree, tree, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::mirror ( undi_graph ug  ) 

Copies all private variables (pointers to internal data strauctures) of undi_graph in this graph.

NOTICE: the owner graph of constraints of undi_graph is replaced with this graph.

NOTICE: a method on undi_graph should follow this method to avoid collisions.

void undi_graph::forget (  ) 

Cut all private variables (pointers to internal data structures) from this graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, flow_dire_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, split_component, tree, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::assign_id ( gdtnode  v,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

METHOD assign_id Assign identifier "new_id" to gdtnode "v".

PRECONDITIONS: there is not already a gdtnode with such identifier.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::assign_id ( gdtedge  e,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Assign identifier "new_id" to gdtedge "e".

PRECONDITIONS: there is not already any gdtedge with such identifier.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::assign_id ( constraint  c,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Assign identifier "new_id" to constraint "c".

PRECONDITIONS: there is not already any constraint with such identifier.

void undi_graph::mark ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 

Mark gdtnode "v" with marker "m".

void undi_graph::mark ( gdtedge  e,
marker_type  m 

Mark gdtedge "e" with marker "m".

void undi_graph::mark ( gdtnode  v,
gdt::gdtlist< marker_type ml 

Mark gdtnode "v" with all markers in the list "ml".

void undi_graph::mark ( gdtedge  e,
gdt::gdtlist< marker_type ml 

Mark gdtedge "e" with all markers in the list "ml".

void undi_graph::unmark ( gdtnode  v,
marker_type  m 

y marker "m" from the marker-list of gdtnode "v".

void undi_graph::unmark ( gdtedge  e,
marker_type  m 

Remove marker "m" from the marker-list of gdtnode "v".

void undi_graph::unmark_all ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Remove all markers from the marker-list of gdtnode "v".

void undi_graph::unmark_all ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Remove all markers from the marker-list of gdtedge "e".

void undi_graph::make_embedding_as ( const undi_graph ug  ) 

Make the ordering of the edges around each vertex equal to the ordering in graph "ug".

NOTICE: this graph and "ug" must have the same number of nodes and edges, with the same identifiers.

void undi_graph::make_embedding_cand ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Make the ordering of the edges around vertex "v" as candidate, that is both the incoming and outgoing edges will be consecutive around "v".

void undi_graph::make_embedding_cand (  ) 

Make the ordering of the edges around each vertex as candidate, that is both the incoming and outgoing edges will be consecutive around each vertex.

bool undi_graph::make_embedding_planar (  ) 

Make the ordering of the edges around vertices as planar (planar embedding), if there exists any. This means that a planar drawing exists within such an ordering. Return false when no planar embeddings exist.

bool undi_graph::make_embedding_cand_planar (  ) 

Make the embedding of the graph both candidate and planar (see above), if there exists any. Return false when no candidate planar embeddings exist.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::make_embedding_cand_expanded (  ) 

Make the embedding of the graph as candidate and expand each vertex 'v' having at least 2 incoming edges and 2 outgoing edges. The expansion consists in splitting such a vertex 'v' into two vertices 'v1' and 'v2', the first keeping only the incoming edges of 'v' and the second keeping only the outgoing edges of 'v'; also, a directed gdtedge (v1,v2) is added, and marked RM3_ADDED_BY_EXPAND. Return the list of dummy edges introduced.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> undi_graph::make_simple (  ) 

Make the graph simple, that is add a minimum number of dummy nodes in order to remove multiple edges. Each dummy gdtnode is marked RM3_ADDED_BY_MAKE_SIMPLE. Return the list of dummy nodes.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::make_connected (  ) 

Make the graph connected, that is add a minimum number of edges in order to attach all connected components. Each dummy gdtedge is marked RM3_ADDED_BY_MAKE_CONNECTED. Return the list of dummy edges inserted.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::make_biconnected (  ) 

Make the graph biconnected, that is add a set of edges between the connected components of the graph. This method preserves the planarity of the graph. If the original graph is planar, then also the augmented graph will be planar.

the list of the added edges

int undi_graph::make_max_degree ( int  d  ) 

Delete a minimal set of edges in order to have each gdtnode with degree at most "d" (that is with at most d incident edges). Return the number of deleted edges.

NOTICE: the graph could be not connected after this method is applied.

void undi_graph::make_directed ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 

Make gdtedge "e" directed from gdtnode "v", that is "v" will be the start gdtnode of "e".

PRECONDITIONS: "e" is incident "v".

void undi_graph::make_directed ( bool  randomly = false  ) 

Make directed all edges of the graph. Each gdtedge is oriented randomly if "random" is true, and from its source if "random" is false.

void undi_graph::make_directed ( gdtnode  s,
gdtnode  t 

Make an st-orientation of the edges with source "s" and sink "t" (see "is_st_digraph()" method).

PRECONDITIONS: the graph plus an gdtedge (s,t) is biconnected and "s", "t" are distinct.

void undi_graph::make_undirected ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Make gdtedge "e" undirected.

void undi_graph::make_undirected (  ) 

Make all edges of the graph undirected.

void undi_graph::make_source ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Make gdtnode "v" as a source-gdtnode, that is all the edges incident "v" will be made as outgoing edges of "v".

void undi_graph::make_sink ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Make gdtnode "v" as a sink-gdtnode, that is all the edges incident "v" will be made as incoming edges of "v".

void undi_graph::reverse ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Reverse the direction of gdtedge "e".

void undi_graph::st_number ( gdtedge  e_st,
gdtnode  s,
gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  st_num 

Computes an st_numbering of the graph, with source gdtnode "s" and sink gdtnode the opposite of "s" in gdtedge "e_st".

PRECONDITIONS: graph is biconnected and "e_st" is incident "s".

int undi_graph::calculate_level_of_node ( gdtnode  v,
gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  levels_buffer 

Return the topological level of gdtnode "v" in an ordering induced by an st-numbering (recursive function).

PRECONDITIONS: graph is st-oriented

void undi_graph::calculate_level_of_all_nodes ( gdt::gdtnode_array< int > &  levels_buffer  ) 

Return the level of all nodes in an ordering induced by an st-numbering.

PRECONDITIONS: graph is st-oriented

gdtedge undi_graph::weld_edges_at_node ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Make one only gdtedge by merging the two edges incident gdtnode "v" and delete gdtnode. PRECONDITIONS: gdtnode "v" has degree 2.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and plan_undi_graph.

gdtedge undi_graph::expand ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e_init,
gdtedge  e_end 

Split gdtnode "v" into two nodes with gdtedge-lists L1=("e_init","e_end") and L2=(cyclic_adj_succ(e_end,v), cyclic_adj_pred(e_init,v)), respectively, by inserting a new dummy gdtedge. The dummy gdtedge is marked RM3_ADDED_BY_EXPAND. Return the dummy gdtedge.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdtnode undi_graph::contract ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Merge the extremal nodes 'v1', 'v2' of gdtedge "e" into a gdtnode 'v' and make adj-edges(v) = adj-edges(v1) U adj-edges(v2) \ {e: e=(v1,v2)}. Return gdtnode 'v'.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> undi_graph::contract (  ) 

Apply a contract(v) operation for each gdtnode 'v'. (see above for more details). Return the list of nodes derived by all contractions.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::update_max_node_id (  ) 

Update the 'max_node_id' value to the current maximum gdtnode-identifier.

void undi_graph::update_max_edge_id (  ) 

Update the 'max_edge_id' value to the current maximum gdtedge-identifier.

void undi_graph::update_max_constraint_id (  ) 

Update the 'max_constraint_id' value to the current maximum constraint-identifier.

void undi_graph::rise_max_node_id ( int  new_max_node_id  ) 

Update 'max_node_id' (gdtnode identifier) value with "new_max_node_id".

PRECONDITIONS: "new_max_node_id" is greater than 'max_node_id'.

void undi_graph::rise_max_edge_id ( int  new_max_edge_id  ) 

Update "max_edge_id" (gdtedge identifier) value with "new_max_edge_id".

PRECONDITIONS: "new_max_edge_id" is greater than 'max_edge_id'.

void undi_graph::rise_max_constraint_id ( int  new_max_constraint_id  ) 

Update max_constraint_id (constraint identifier) value with "new_max_constraint_id".

PRECONDITIONS: "new_max_constraint_id" is greater than 'max_edge_id'.

int undi_graph::planarize ( planarize_options  po = DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING  ) 

Perform a planarization of the graph, introducing dummy nodes in order to make the embedding planar if they are needed.

Nothing assures that the number of dummy nodes introduced is minimum (the problem of finding the minimum number of crossing is NP-complete). All dummy nodes are marked RM3_CROSSES_ON_REAL_EDGES. Parameter 'planarize_options po' specifies the type of planarization, chosen in the following list:

In the first case the ordering of the edges around vertices could be changed by the algorithm. In the second case, the algorithm does not change this ordering.

Return the number of dummy nodes added (INFINITE when no embedding is found due to infeasible constraints).

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::replace_edge_with_path ( gdtedge  e,
gdt::gdtlist< int > &  node_id_path,
gdt::gdtlist< int > &  edge_id_path 

Replace gdtedge "e" with an ordered path of nodes and edges with identifiers given in the "node_id_path" and in the "edges_id_path" lists, respectively. Return the list of the new edges added.

PRECONDITIONS: the extremal nodes of gdtedge "e" have the same identifier as the first and the last gdtnode in the "node_id_path" list.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> undi_graph::replace_edge_with_path_of_graph ( gdtedge  e,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  edge_path,
undi_graph ug 

Replace gdtedge "e" with an ordered path of nodes and edges that is a copy of "edge_path" in the graph "ug". Return the list of new edges added.

PRECONDITIONS: the extremal nodes of gdtedge "e" have the same identifier as two nodes in the first and the last edges in the "edge_path" list.

void undi_graph::generate_plan_biconnected ( int  n,
double  prob_iv,
int  k = INFINITE,
bool  multiple = true 

Make the graph as a randomly generated planar biconnected graph with "n" nodes and keeping it "k"-planar (that is each vertex has degree at most k). Also, if "multiple" is false, no multiple edges are generated.

The basic technique used to generate graphs is the following:

  1. start from a triangle graph;
  2. at each step is randomly chosen either the operation "insert vertex" (split gdtedge) or the operation "insert gdtedge";
  3. the "insert vertex" operation is chosen with probability "prob_iv", and the "insert gdtedge" operation is selected with probability 1 - "prob_iv", where 0 < "prob_iv" < 1.

void undi_graph::disable_keep_ordering_of_directed_edges (  ) 

Disable the maintenance of directed edges, that is the lists of in- and out-edges are not updated consistently with the embedding of all underlying edges ADVICE: useful to save computation-time if you are not interested in the embedding of directed edges.

void undi_graph::enable_keep_ordering_of_directed_edges (  ) 

Enable the maintenance of the ordering of directed edges, that is the lists of in- and out-edges are always updated consistently with the embedding of all underlying edges NOTICE: an immediate update is done

bool undi_graph::write ( std::string  file_name  ) 

Write the graph in a file with name "file_name". A GDToolkit file is organized in sections, each one independent from each other, and without a specific ordering to keep. Each class in the GDToolkit library has a dedicated section, and it is possible to omit some of these sections in order to store only the information that are needed (for example only the topology and not drawing information). The file format restricted to the undi_graph section information is organized as follows. There are two tags <UNDISECTION>, </UNDISECTION> at the beginning and at the end of the section, respectively. The topology of the graph is described by the ordered list of the edges around each gdtnode. Namely, you have to specify the gdtnode-identifier and the ordered list of the gdtedge-identifiers for this gdtnode. The two tags <NODELIST>, </NODELIST> indicate the beginning and the end of the nodes list, respectively. Before putting a new gdtnode-identifier a tag <NODE> is needed, then you have to put a tag <EDGE> before each gdtedge-identifier that describes an gdtedge incident the gdtnode. Finally, a tag </NODE> indicates the end of the edges incident the gdtnode. An example of an undi_graph section is shown:


<EDGE> 2 ->
<EDGE> 1 ->
<EDGE> 3 ->
<EDGE> 4 ->
<EDGE> 5 ->
<EDGE> 8 <-
<EDGE> 6 ->

Return true if no file error occurs during the operations.

Reimplemented in draw_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::read ( std::string  file_name  ) 

Read the graph from a file with name "file_name" and return true if no file error occurs during the operations.

Reimplemented in draw_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::append_section_to_fstream ( std::ofstream &  out  ) 

Append the undi_graph section to the ofstream "out" (See write method for the file format).

Reimplemented in draw_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::read_section_from_fstream ( std::ifstream &  in  ) 

Read the undi_graph section from the ifstream "in".

Reimplemented in draw_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::print ( print_mode  mode = BY_NODES,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print the undi_graph information in the ostream "os"; print_mode can be:

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::print ( gdtnode  v,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print the identifier of gdtnode v in the ostream "os".

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::print ( gdtedge  e,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print the identifier of gdtedge e in the ostream "os".

Reimplemented in orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::print ( constraint  c,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print constraint "c" in the ostream "os". The printing features depend on the constraint type (See documentation on constraints for more details).

Reimplemented in orth_plan_undi_graph, plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void undi_graph::print_constraints_on_node ( gdtnode  v,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 

Print all constraints involving gdtnode "v" in the ostream "os".

void undi_graph::print_constraints_on_edge ( gdtedge  e,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 

Print all constraints involving gdtedge "e" in the ostream "os".

void undi_graph::print_constraints ( std::ostream &  os = std::cout  )  const

Print all constraints of the graph in the ostream "os".

bool undi_graph::internal_consistency_check (  )  const

Check consistency of the gdtnode/gdtedge internal structures.

Reimplemented in plan_undi_graph.

bool undi_graph::bm_spanning_tree ( bm_node_info  node_vector[],
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  added_edges,
bic_obj_node IMM[],
gdtnode  v,
bool  reached[],
bool  e_reached[],
gdtedge  iterator[],
gdtnode  graph_nodes[],
int nodes_in_component,
bic_obj *&  bic_obj_actual_pointer,
bic_obj_node *&  bic_obj_node_actual_pointer 

Compute a spanning tree of the graph and collects informations about nodes and edges. Information are stored in node_vector and edge_vector. Return false if the graph is not biconnected. This method is required by the Boyer and Myrvold planarity testing algorithm.

PRECONDITIONS: graph must be biconnected.

void undi_graph::create_children_ordered ( bm_node_info  node_vector[],
gdtnode  graph_nodes[],
int  nodes_in_component 

Create for each node an ordered list of its children in the spanning tree. Children are ordered by increasing lowpoint value. This method is required by the Boyer and Myrvold planarity testing algorithm.
PRECONDITIONS: Function bm_spannig_tree must be applied.

void undi_graph::create_out_back_edges_ordered ( bm_node_info  node_vector[]  ) 

Create for each node an ordered list of its back-edges in the spanning tree. Back-edges are ordered by increasing DFI value. This method is required by the Boyer and Myrvold planarity testing algorithm.
PRECONDITIONS: Function bm_spannig_tree must be applied.

bool undi_graph::bm_preprocessing ( bm_node_info  node_vector[],
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  added_edges,
gdtnode  root,
bic_obj_node IMM[],
bool  reached[],
bool  e_reached[],
gdtedge  iterator[],
int nodes_in_component,
gdtnode  graph_nodes[],
bic_obj *&  bic_obj_actual_pointer,
bic_obj_node *&  bic_obj_node_actual_pointer 

All the pre-processing operation required to execute the algorithm. This function compute a spanning tree of the graph, and then applies create_children_ordered and create_out_back_edges_ordered. This method is required by the Boyer and Myrvold planarity testing algorithm.
Return false if the graph is not biconnected.

PRECONDITIONS: Graph must be biconnected

int undi_graph::create_bicomp ( gdtnode  root,
bm_node_info  node_vector[],
gdt::gdtnode_map< bic_obj_node * > &  IMM 

This method is required by the Boyer and Myrvold planarity testing algorithm.
Create the data structure of the elementary bicomps described in the algorithm. Return the number of the elementary bicomp created. PRECONDITIONS: Graph must be biconnected. Function bm_preprocessing must be executed.

bool undi_graph::make_planar_embedding ( bm_node_info  node_vector[],
bic_obj_node IMM[],
gdtnode  root,
bool  edge_to_be_inserted[],
int  flip[],
bic_obj *&  bic_obj_actual_pointer 

Apply the planarity test to a biconnected graph. Call the bm_preprocessing, create the initial bicomp structure. Then make a post-order visit of the spanning tree, and for each node with entry back edges, try to insert them using pre_walk_up, walk_up and walk_down operations (see class bic_obj). If the graph is planar return true, and modify the embedding. NOTE: edges_inserted must be initialized with false

bool undi_graph::merge_biconnected ( gdt::gdtlist< undi_graph * > &  bic  ) 

Read a list of biconnected planar graph, which are the biconnected components of this graph. Each node of this graph must have one and only one corresponding node in one biconnected component. This method copy the embedding of the biconnected components into the original graph, and return true if the operation ends successfully. This method is necessary to apply the algorithm to graphs which are not biconnected.

bool undi_graph::boyer ( gdtnode  root  ) 

Apply the Boyer and Myrvold planarity testing algorithm to connected graphs.
Split the graph in biconnected components, and apply make_planar_embedding to all them. If all the components are planar, modify the embedding of the original graph with merge_biconnected If graph is planar return true, otherwhise return false.

bool undi_graph::is_planar (  ) 

void undi_graph::destroy_bicomp ( gdt::gdtlist< bic_obj * > &  bic_obj_created  ) 

Destroy the bicomp structure created by make_planar_embedding.

int undi_graph::compare_embedding ( undi_graph ug  ) 

Compare the embeddings of this graph and the undi_graph ug. PRECONDITION: the two graphs must be equal.

the number of edge swapping that must be applied to ug to obtain the same embedding ad this graph.

void undi_graph::visible_subgraph ( gdtnode  n,
int  k,
undi_graph vg 

Extract the induced subgraph of the nodes at distance at most k from node n. The subgraph is stored in vg.

int undi_graph::kplanarity ( gdtnode  n  ) 

Compute the maximum distance k from node n from which the visible subgraph from n at distance k is planar

int undi_graph::extended_kplanarity ( gdtnode  n  ) 

void undi_graph::kplanarity ( gdt::gdtnode_map< int > &  kplan  ) 

Compute the k-planarity of each node

void undi_graph::extended_kplanarity ( gdt::gdtnode_map< int > &  kplan  ) 

bool undi_graph::quick_minimum_spanning_tree ( gdt::gdtedge_map< int weights,
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedge > &  span_edges 

If the graph is planar, compute a minimum spanning tree

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SPQR_tree [friend]

Reimplemented in skeleton.

Definition at line 795 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

friend class struct_constraint [friend]

Definition at line 796 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

friend class bic_obj [friend]

Definition at line 797 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

friend class bic_obj_node [friend]

Definition at line 798 of file rm3_undi_graph.h.

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