Graph Drawing Toolkit

An object-oriented C++ library for handling and drawing graphs

plan_undi_graph Class Reference

#include <rm3_plan_undi_graph.h>

Inheritance diagram for plan_undi_graph:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for plan_undi_graph:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 plan_undi_graph ()
 ~plan_undi_graph ()
 plan_undi_graph (const undi_graph &ug, planarize_options po=DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING, bool err_mess=true)
 plan_undi_graph (const plan_undi_graph &pug)
plan_undi_graphoperator= (const undi_graph &ug)
plan_undi_graphoperator= (const plan_undi_graph &pug)
void local_get (gdt::gdtlist< face > *&p1, gdt::gdtedge_map< struct_plan_edge_info > *&p2, gdt::gdtmap< int, face > *&p3, int &p4, int &p5)
int generate_face_id ()
int id (gdtnode v) const
int id (gdtedge e) const
int id (face f) const
int get_max_face_id () const
int degree (gdtnode v) const
int degree (face f, bool bridge=false) const
int number_of_faces () const
int number_of_cross_nodes () const
bool node_belongs_to_face (gdtnode v, face f) const
bool edge_belongs_to_face (gdtedge e, face f) const
gdtnode separation_pair_pole1 (separation_pair sp) const
gdtnode separation_pair_pole2 (separation_pair sp) const
face find_face (int ref_id) const
face first_face () const
face last_face () const
face succ_face (face f) const
face pred_face (face f) const
face adj_face (face f, gdtedge e) const
face right_face_moving_along_edge (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
face left_face_moving_along_edge (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
face face_of_border_step (border_step s) const
const gdt::gdtlist
< face > & 
all_faces () const
gdtedge first_adj_edge (gdtnode v) const
gdtedge first_adj_edge (face f) const
gdtedge last_adj_edge (gdtnode v) const
gdtedge last_adj_edge (face f) const
gdtedge adj_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge adj_pred (gdtedge e, face f) const
gdtedge adj_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge adj_succ (gdtedge e, face f) const
gdtedge cyclic_adj_pred (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge cyclic_adj_pred (gdtedge e, face f) const
gdtedge cyclic_adj_succ (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
gdtedge cyclic_adj_succ (gdtedge e, face f) const
gdtedge edge_of_border_step (border_step s) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodenodes_shared_by_faces (face f1, face f2) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodeadj_nodes (face f) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeadj_edges (gdtnode v) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeadj_edges (face f, gdtnode v=NULL_NODE) const
gdt::gdtlist< faceadj_faces (gdtnode v) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeedges_shared_by_faces (face f1, face f2) const
gdt::gdtlist< gdtedgeedges_entering_node_while_moving_around_face (gdtnode v, face f) const
gdt::gdtlist< facefaces_shared_by_separation_pair (separation_pair sp) const
gdt::list_item pos_in_border (gdtedge e, face f) const
gdt::list_item pos_in_border (border_step s) const
gdtnode start_of_border_step (border_step s) const
gdtnode stop_of_border_step (border_step s) const
border_step first_border_step (face f) const
border_step last_border_step (face f) const
border_step succ_border_step (border_step s) const
border_step pred_border_step (border_step s) const
border_step cyclic_succ_border_step (border_step s) const
border_step cyclic_pred_border_step (border_step s) const
border_step opposite_border_step (border_step s) const
border_step border_step_moving_along_edge (gdtedge e, gdtnode v) const
< border_step
adj_border_steps (face f) const
< border_step
border_steps_starting_at_node (gdtnode v) const
< border_step
border_step_sequence (border_step s1, border_step s2) const
void border_step_sequence (border_step s1, border_step s2, gdt::gdtlist< border_step > &L) const
< border_step
border_step_sequence (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2, face f) const
void border_step_sequence (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2, face f, gdt::gdtlist< border_step > &L) const
separation_pair find_separation_pair (int idv1, int idv2, const gdt::gdtlist< separation_pair > &sp_list) const
< separation_pair
find_separation_pairs () const
void make_dual (plan_undi_graph &dual_pug, gdt::gdtmap< face, gdtnode > &primal_face_2_dual_node, gdt::gdtmap< gdtnode, face > &dual_node_2_primal_face, gdt::gdtmap< gdtedge, gdtedge > &primal_edge_2_dual_edge, gdt::gdtmap< gdtedge, gdtedge > &dual_edge_2_primal_edge) const
void compute_visibility_representation (gdt::gdtnode_array< horizontal_segment > &seg_node, gdt::gdtedge_array< vertical_segment > &seg_edge, face ext_face, bool compacted=false, gdt::gdtedge_array< int > *cp=NULL)
void compute_visibility_representation (gdt::gdtnode_array< horizontal_segment > &seg_node, gdt::gdtedge_array< vertical_segment > &seg_edge, gdtedge e_st, bool compacted=false, gdt::gdtedge_array< int > *cp=NULL)
face corresponding_face (face f, const plan_undi_graph &pug)
border_step corresponding_border_step (border_step s, const plan_undi_graph &pug)
gdtnode new_node (gdtedge e, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
gdtnode new_node (gdtnode n, gdtedge e, int node_id=AUTO_ID, int edge_id=AUTO_ID)
gdtnode star_in_face (face f)
gdtedge new_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtnode v2, face f, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
gdtedge new_edge (gdtnode v1, gdtedge e1, gdtnode v2, gdtedge e2, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
face del_edge (gdtedge e)
face del_node (gdtnode v)
gdtedge weld_edges_at_node (gdtnode v)
void clear ()
void steal_from (undi_graph &ug, planarize_options po=DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING, bool err_mess=true)
void mirror (plan_undi_graph &pug)
void forget ()
void assign_id (gdtnode v, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void assign_id (gdtedge e, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void assign_id (face f, int new_id=AUTO_ID)
void update_max_face_id ()
face plan_with_fixed_face_of_undi_graph (undi_graph &ug, gdtedge start_edge, gdtnode start_node)
void make_embedding_as (const plan_undi_graph &pug)
gdtedge expand (gdtnode v, gdtedge e_init, gdtedge e_end)
gdtnode contract (gdtedge e)
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodecontract ()
gdt::gdtlist< gdtnodemake_simple ()
void make_upward_embedding (face ext_face, gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &fe, int minimum_switches=0)
void generate_biconnected (int n, double prob_iv, int k=INFINITE, bool multiple=true)
void print (print_mode mode=BY_FACES, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (gdtnode v, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (gdtedge e, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (face f, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (constraint c, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
void print (separation_pair sp, std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
bool internal_consistency_check () const

Protected Member Functions

void set_source (gdtedge, gdtnode)
void set_faces_shared_by_separation_pair (const gdt::gdtlist< face > &, separation_pair)
void set_separation_pair_pole1 (gdtnode, separation_pair)
void set_separation_pair_pole2 (gdtnode, separation_pair)
gdtnode first_node_visited_while_moving_on_edge_around_face (gdtedge, face) const
gdtnode second_node_visited_while_moving_on_edge_around_face (gdtedge, face) const
void calculate_dual (plan_undi_graph &, gdt::gdtmap< face, gdtnode > &)
void calculate_dual (plan_undi_graph &, gdtedge, gdt::gdtmap< face, gdtnode > &)


class undi_graph

Detailed Description

CLASS plan_undi_graph A 'plan_undi_graph' represents a connected undi_graph with at least one gdtedge and a given planar embedding. Each plan_undi_graph has a set of faces determineted by its planar embedding. All update operations preserve the planarity of the embedding.

Definition at line 287 of file rm3_plan_undi_graph.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

plan_undi_graph::plan_undi_graph (  ) 

Empty constructor.

plan_undi_graph::~plan_undi_graph (  ) 


plan_undi_graph::plan_undi_graph ( const undi_graph ug,
planarize_options  po = DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING,
bool  err_mess = true 

Constructor from the undi_graph class. If the embedding of the undi_graph is not planar a planarization step is executed in which dummy nodes may be added to replace crosses. Cross nodes are marked RM3_CROSS_ON_REAL_EDGE. Also, two possible planarization option can be specified: PRESERVE_EMBEDDING and DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING, in order to preserve (not preserve) the original embedding. Note that if DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING is specified, no dummy nodes are added when the graph is planar (that is it admits a planar embedding). If err_mess == true, an error message is returned when the embedding is not found.

PRECONDITIONS: undi_graph must be connected and with at least an gdtedge

plan_undi_graph::plan_undi_graph ( const plan_undi_graph pug  ) 

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

void plan_undi_graph::set_source ( gdtedge  ,
) [protected]

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::set_faces_shared_by_separation_pair ( const gdt::gdtlist< face > &  ,
) [protected]

void plan_undi_graph::set_separation_pair_pole1 ( gdtnode  ,
) [protected]

void plan_undi_graph::set_separation_pair_pole2 ( gdtnode  ,
) [protected]

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::first_node_visited_while_moving_on_edge_around_face ( gdtedge  ,
) const [protected]

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::second_node_visited_while_moving_on_edge_around_face ( gdtedge  ,
) const [protected]

void plan_undi_graph::calculate_dual ( plan_undi_graph ,
gdt::gdtmap< face, gdtnode > &   
) [protected]

void plan_undi_graph::calculate_dual ( plan_undi_graph ,
gdtedge  ,
gdt::gdtmap< face, gdtnode > &   
) [protected]

plan_undi_graph& plan_undi_graph::operator= ( const undi_graph ug  ) 

Equality operator from the undi_graph class. If the embedding of the undi_graph is not planar a planarization step is executed in which dummy nodes may be added to replace crosses. Cross nodes are marked RM3_CROSS_ON_REAL_EDGE. If the graph is planar (that is it admits a planar embedding) no dummy nodes are added.

PRECONDITIONS: undi_graph must be connected and with at least an gdtedge

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

plan_undi_graph& plan_undi_graph::operator= ( const plan_undi_graph pug  ) 

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::local_get ( gdt::gdtlist< face > *&  p1,
gdt::gdtedge_map< struct_plan_edge_info > *&  p2,
gdt::gdtmap< int, face > *&  p3,
int p4,
int p5 

CATEGORY access Access operations. Get all private variables.

int plan_undi_graph::generate_face_id (  ) 

Automatically generate a new compatible face identifier.

int plan_undi_graph::id ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return the idendifier of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

int plan_undi_graph::id ( gdtedge  e  )  const

Return the identifier of gdtedge.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

int plan_undi_graph::id ( face  f  )  const

Return the identifier of face.

int plan_undi_graph::get_max_face_id (  )  const [inline]

Return the maximum value for a face-identifier.

int plan_undi_graph::degree ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return the number of edges incident gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

int plan_undi_graph::degree ( face  f,
bool  bridge = false 
) const

Return either the number of edges or border_steps in face according to bool is false or true.

int plan_undi_graph::number_of_faces (  )  const

Return the number of faces of the graph.

int plan_undi_graph::number_of_cross_nodes (  )  const

Return the number of dummy nodes added as crosses. Return INFINITE, if the last planarization step failed

bool plan_undi_graph::node_belongs_to_face ( gdtnode  v,
face  f 
) const

Return true if gdtnode belongs to face.

bool plan_undi_graph::edge_belongs_to_face ( gdtedge  e,
face  f 
) const

Return true if gdtedge belongs to gdtedge.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::separation_pair_pole1 ( separation_pair  sp  )  const

Return the pole1 of separation_pair.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::separation_pair_pole2 ( separation_pair  sp  )  const

Return the pole2 of separation_pair.

face plan_undi_graph::find_face ( int  ref_id  )  const

Return the face with identifier id if there exists, else return NULL_FACE.

face plan_undi_graph::first_face (  )  const

Return the first face in the face-list of the graph.

face plan_undi_graph::last_face (  )  const

Return the last face in the face-list of the graph.

face plan_undi_graph::succ_face ( face  f  )  const

Return the successive of face in the face-list of the graph.

face plan_undi_graph::pred_face ( face  f  )  const

Return the previous of face in the face-list of the graph.

face plan_undi_graph::adj_face ( face  f,
gdtedge  e 
) const

Return the face adjacent to face by gdtedge.

face plan_undi_graph::right_face_moving_along_edge ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the right face moving along gdtedge starting from gdtnode.

face plan_undi_graph::left_face_moving_along_edge ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the left face moving along gdtedge starting from gdtnode.

face plan_undi_graph::face_of_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the face of border_step.

const gdt::gdtlist<face>& plan_undi_graph::all_faces (  )  const

Return a constant reference to the face-list of the graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::first_adj_edge ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return the first gdtedge of the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::first_adj_edge ( face  f  )  const

Return the first gdtedge of the adj-edges list of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::last_adj_edge ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return the last gdtedge of the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::last_adj_edge ( face  f  )  const

Return the last gdtedge of the adj-edges list of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::adj_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the previous of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::adj_pred ( gdtedge  e,
face  f 
) const

Return the previous of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::adj_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the successive of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::adj_succ ( gdtedge  e,
face  f 
) const

Return the successive of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::cyclic_adj_pred ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the cyclic previous of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::cyclic_adj_pred ( gdtedge  e,
face  f 
) const

Return the cyclic previous of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::cyclic_adj_succ ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the cyclic successive of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::cyclic_adj_succ ( gdtedge  e,
face  f 
) const

Return the cyclic successive of gdtedge in the adj-edges list of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::edge_of_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the gdtedge of border_step.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> plan_undi_graph::nodes_shared_by_faces ( face  f1,
face  f2 
) const

Return the list of nodes shared by the two faces.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> plan_undi_graph::adj_nodes ( face  f  )  const

Return the circular clockwise list of gdtnode belonging to face.

NOTE: a gdtnode might appear more than one time, walking on the face border

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> plan_undi_graph::adj_edges ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return the adj-edges list of gdtnode.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> plan_undi_graph::adj_edges ( face  f,
gdtnode  v = NULL_NODE 
) const

Return the list of gdtedge of face if v == NULL_NODE, else return the edges adjacent to v on face.

PRECONDITIONS: if v!=NULL_NODE it must belong to face

gdt::gdtlist<face> plan_undi_graph::adj_faces ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return a list of all faces adjancet gdtnode.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> plan_undi_graph::edges_shared_by_faces ( face  f1,
face  f2 
) const

Return the list of edges shared by the two faces.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtedge> plan_undi_graph::edges_entering_node_while_moving_around_face ( gdtnode  v,
face  f 
) const

Return the list of edges entering gdtnode while moving around face.

gdt::gdtlist<face> plan_undi_graph::faces_shared_by_separation_pair ( separation_pair  sp  )  const

Return the list of faces shared by separation_pair.

gdt::list_item plan_undi_graph::pos_in_border ( gdtedge  e,
face  f 
) const

Return the position-item of gdtedge into the gdtedge-list of face.

gdt::list_item plan_undi_graph::pos_in_border ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the position-item of border_step into the border_step-list of face.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::start_of_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the start gdtnode of border_step.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::stop_of_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the stop gdtnode of border_step.

border_step plan_undi_graph::first_border_step ( face  f  )  const

Return the first border_step of the border_step-list of face.

border_step plan_undi_graph::last_border_step ( face  f  )  const

Return the last border_step of the border_step-list of face.

border_step plan_undi_graph::succ_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the successive of border_step in the border_step-list of face of border_step.

border_step plan_undi_graph::pred_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the previous of border_step in the border_step-list of face of border_step.

border_step plan_undi_graph::cyclic_succ_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the cyclic successive of border_step in the border_step-list of face of border_step.

border_step plan_undi_graph::cyclic_pred_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the cyclic previous of border_step in the border_step-list of face of border_step.

border_step plan_undi_graph::opposite_border_step ( border_step  s  )  const

Return the opposite of border_step.

border_step plan_undi_graph::border_step_moving_along_edge ( gdtedge  e,
gdtnode  v 
) const

Return the border_step of gdtedge and having gdtnode as start_node.

gdt::gdtlist<border_step> plan_undi_graph::adj_border_steps ( face  f  )  const

Return the border_step-list of face.

gdt::gdtlist<border_step> plan_undi_graph::border_steps_starting_at_node ( gdtnode  v  )  const

Return the list of border_steps having gdtnode as start_node.

gdt::gdtlist<border_step> plan_undi_graph::border_step_sequence ( border_step  s1,
border_step  s2 
) const

Return the border_step sequence between two border_steps.

void plan_undi_graph::border_step_sequence ( border_step  s1,
border_step  s2,
gdt::gdtlist< border_step > &  L 
) const

Put (appending) in L the border step sequence between two border_steps.

gdt::gdtlist<border_step> plan_undi_graph::border_step_sequence ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2,
face  f 
) const

Return the shortest sequence of border_steps from v1 to v2 walking on border of face f.

void plan_undi_graph::border_step_sequence ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2,
face  f,
gdt::gdtlist< border_step > &  L 
) const

Put (appending) in L the shortest sequence of border_steps from v1 to v2 walking on border of face f.

separation_pair plan_undi_graph::find_separation_pair ( int  idv1,
int  idv2,
const gdt::gdtlist< separation_pair > &  sp_list 
) const

Return the separation_pair sp in sp_list such that its poles have identifier idv1 and idv2 (or vice-versa), respectively. If it does not exist return NULL.

gdt::gdtlist<separation_pair> plan_undi_graph::find_separation_pairs (  )  const

Return the list of all separation_pairs of the graph.

void plan_undi_graph::make_dual ( plan_undi_graph dual_pug,
gdt::gdtmap< face, gdtnode > &  primal_face_2_dual_node,
gdt::gdtmap< gdtnode, face > &  dual_node_2_primal_face,
gdt::gdtmap< gdtedge, gdtedge > &  primal_edge_2_dual_edge,
gdt::gdtmap< gdtedge, gdtedge > &  dual_edge_2_primal_edge 
) const

Make a dual plan_undi_graph 'dual_pug' and all mapping between face/gdtnode of primal and dual graphs.

NOTE: bridges in the primal graph should cause loops in the dual graph, but loops are not allowed for plan_undi_graphs. So, bridges don't have a corresponding gdtedge in the dual graph => several primal nodes may fall in the same dual face => the 'dual_face_2_primal_node' map could not be defined.

void plan_undi_graph::compute_visibility_representation ( gdt::gdtnode_array< horizontal_segment > &  seg_node,
gdt::gdtedge_array< vertical_segment > &  seg_edge,
face  ext_face,
bool  compacted = false,
gdt::gdtedge_array< int > *  cp = NULL 

Compute a visibility representation of the planar graph, having ext_face as external face. If compacted == true a min_cost_flow technique is used to reduce the total gdtedge length with respect to the gdtedge-cost array (*cp). If cp==NULL, all edges are considered with same cost. Visibility is returned as an array of horizontal_segment structures (for nodes), and an array of vertical_segment structures (for edges). These structures are defined as follows:

					int y_min;
					int y_max;
					int x;

					int x_min;
					int x_max;
					int y;

PRECONDITIONS: graph must be biconnected.

void plan_undi_graph::compute_visibility_representation ( gdt::gdtnode_array< horizontal_segment > &  seg_node,
gdt::gdtedge_array< vertical_segment > &  seg_edge,
gdtedge  e_st,
bool  compacted = false,
gdt::gdtedge_array< int > *  cp = NULL 

Compute a visibility representation of the planar st-digraph, having gdtedge e_st=(s,t) on the external face. If compacted == true a min_cost_flow technique is used to reduce the total gdtedge length with respect to the gdtedge-cost array (*cp). If cp==NULL, all edges are considered with same cost. Visibility is returned as an array of horizontal_segment structures (for nodes), and an array of vertical_segment structures (for edges). These structures are defined as follows:

						int y_min;
						int y_max;
						int x;

						int x_min;
						int x_max;
						int y;

PRECONDITION: graph must be biconnected and an e_st-digraph).

face plan_undi_graph::corresponding_face ( face  f,
const plan_undi_graph pug 

Return the face with the same identifier as face in plan_undi_graph if there exists, else return NULL_NODE.

border_step plan_undi_graph::corresponding_border_step ( border_step  s,
const plan_undi_graph pug 

Return the border_step such that gdtedge of border_step and start of border_step are corrispondent in plan_undi_graph.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::new_node ( gdtedge  e,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Split gdtedge with a new gdtnode with identifier new_id, and return such gdtnode.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and split_component.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::new_node ( gdtnode  n,
gdtedge  e,
int  node_id = AUTO_ID,
int  edge_id = AUTO_ID 

Attach a new gdtnode to gdtnode after gdtedge (in counterclocwise circular order) and return it. The new gdtnode and new gdtedge have identifier node_id and edge_id, respectively

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::star_in_face ( face  f  ) 

Insert a gdtnode inside face and link it with all nodes of face.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::new_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtnode  v2,
face  f,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Insert a new undirected gdtedge with source v1 and terget v2, and id new_id, by splitting face f, and return it. PRECONDITIONS: both v1 and v2 belongs to f.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and split_component.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::new_edge ( gdtnode  v1,
gdtedge  e1,
gdtnode  v2,
gdtedge  e2,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Insert a new undirected gdtedge with source v1 and target v2, and identifier new_id, and return it. Also the gdtedge is inserted after e1 around v1 anf after e2 around v2.

PRECONDITIONS: v1 and v2 belongs to a same face and the operation can be executed preserving the planarity

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, and orth_plan_undi_graph.

face plan_undi_graph::del_edge ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Delete gdtedge and return the face obtained by merging the two previous faces of the deleted gdtedge.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and split_component.

face plan_undi_graph::del_node ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Delete gdtnode and return the face obtained by recursively merging the faces of the deleted edges.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and split_component.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::weld_edges_at_node ( gdtnode  v  ) 

Delete the edges incident on "v" and merge them in a single gdtedge, which is returned.

PRECONDITIONS: "v" has degree two.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, and orth_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::clear (  ) 

Delete all nodes and edges.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, split_component, skeleton, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::steal_from ( undi_graph ug,
planarize_options  po = DO_NOT_PRESERVE_EMBEDDING,
bool  err_mess = true 

Make *this with the undi_graph ug internal variables and cut these variables from ug. This method is used to make an undi_graph as a plan_undi_graph, manteining the same internal variables. If err_mess == true an error message is returned when the embedding is not found.

WARNING: ug has an empty body after this method is applied.

PRECONDITIONS: ug must be connected and with at least one gdtnode.

void plan_undi_graph::mirror ( plan_undi_graph pug  ) 

Copy all private variables of plan_undi_graph in *this.

void plan_undi_graph::forget (  ) 

Cut all private variables in *this.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, split_component, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::assign_id ( gdtnode  v,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Assign identifier new_id to gdtnode.

PRECONDITIONS: there is not any gdtnode with new_id

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::assign_id ( gdtedge  e,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Assign identifier new_id to gdtedge.

PRECONDITIONS: there is not any gdtedge with new_id

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::assign_id ( face  f,
int  new_id = AUTO_ID 

Assign identifier new_id to face.

PRECONDITIONS: there is not any face with new_id

void plan_undi_graph::update_max_face_id (  ) 

Update the max_facee_id value to the current maximum face-identifier.

face plan_undi_graph::plan_with_fixed_face_of_undi_graph ( undi_graph ug,
gdtedge  start_edge,
gdtnode  start_node 

Make the undi_graph part of the graph with ug and return the face that is the right face moving along gdtedge start_edge (i.e. the corresponding gdtedge in *this), starting from gdtnode start_node (i.e. the corresponding gdtnode in *this).

NOTE: start_edge and start_node are edges and nodes of ug, respectively; also, this method does not modify ug.

void plan_undi_graph::make_embedding_as ( const plan_undi_graph pug  ) 

Make the current planar embedding equal to the planar embedding of pug.

gdtedge plan_undi_graph::expand ( gdtnode  v,
gdtedge  e_init,
gdtedge  e_end 

Split the gdtnode v into two nodes with gdtedge lists. L1=(e_init,e_end) and L2=(cyclic_adj_succ(e_end,v), cyclic_adj_pred(e_init,v)), respectively, by inserting a new dummy gdtedge. Also, return the added gdtedge and mark it as RM3_ADDED_BY_EXPAND.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdtnode plan_undi_graph::contract ( gdtedge  e  ) 

Merge the extremal nodes v1, v2 of gdtedge e into a gdtnode v and make adj-edges(v) = adj-edges(v1) U adj-edges(v2) \ {e: e=(v1,v2)}, then return v.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> plan_undi_graph::contract (  ) 

Contract all the edges marked by the expand method.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

gdt::gdtlist<gdtnode> plan_undi_graph::make_simple (  ) 

Make the graph simple, that is add a minimum number of dummy nodes to remove multiple edges. Return the list of dummy nodes. These nodes are also marked RM3_ADDED_BY_MAKE_SIMPLE

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::make_upward_embedding ( face  ext_face,
gdt::gdtnode_array< gdtedge > &  fe,
int  minimum_switches = 0 

Make an upward embedding of the graph. This is done by two steps:

  1. Assigning an orientation to all the edges of the graph;
  2. Establishing, for each source and sink, its incident gdtedge that will be the left-most gdtedge in the upward embedding. Note that such gdtedge is automatically determined by the orientation if the gdtnode is neither a source nor a sink.
The meaning of the parameters is the following: PRECONDITIONS: "ext_face" must be a face of the graph, and the gdt::gdtnode_array "fe" will be dimensioned on this graph.

void plan_undi_graph::generate_biconnected ( int  n,
double  prob_iv,
int  k = INFINITE,
bool  multiple = true 

Make the graph as a randomly generated biconnected graph with n nodes and manteining it k-planar. Also, if multiple = false, no multiple edges are generated. The basic technique used to generate graphs is the following:

  1. start from a triangle graph;
  2. at each step is randomly chosen either the operation "insert vertex" (split gdtedge) or the operation "insert gdtedge" (split face);
  3. the "insert vertex" operation is selected with probability "prob_iv", and the "insert gdtedge" operation is selected with probability "1 - prob_iv", where 0 < prob_iv < 1.

void plan_undi_graph::print ( print_mode  mode = BY_FACES,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print the graph on ostream os; print_mode can be BY_NODES, BY_EDGE, BY_FACES, COMPLET.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, and orth_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::print ( gdtnode  v,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print gdtnode on ostream os.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, and orth_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::print ( gdtedge  e,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print gdtedge on ostream os.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in orth_plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::print ( face  f,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print face on ostream os.

Reimplemented in dime_orth_plan_undi_graph, orth_plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::print ( constraint  c,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print constraint on ostream os.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Reimplemented in orth_plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

void plan_undi_graph::print ( separation_pair  sp,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
) const

Print separation_pair on ostream os.

Reimplemented in orth_plan_undi_graph, and upwa_plan_undi_graph.

bool plan_undi_graph::internal_consistency_check (  )  const

Check consistency of the face/border_step internal structure.

NOTE: It assume that the underlaying undi_graph is consistent.

Reimplemented from undi_graph.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class undi_graph [friend]

Definition at line 291 of file rm3_plan_undi_graph.h.

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