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Massimo Rimondini
Researcher at the Roma Tre University
Department of Engineering
Via della Vasca Navale, 79 – 00146 Rome
Room: DIA 2.14 Google Hangouts: maxonthegnet « at » gmail–com
Phone: +39 06 5733 3215 ICQ: 318029813
E-mail: rimondini « at » ing–uniroma3–it Windows Live: maxonthenet « at » tiscali–it
Skype: maxontheskypenet
Yahoo!: maxilbianco

I received the PhD in Computer Science and Automation in 2007 at the Roma Tre University, by defending the thesis "Interdomain Routing Policies in the Internet: Inference and Analysis". I am currently a researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Automation of the Roma Tre University.
My research activity is focused on Internet routing, with special interest in routing algorithms and protocols both within the network of a single Internet Service Provider and among different ISPs (the latter with the well-known Border Gateway Protocol). Research topics include: models and methodologies to ensure that nice properties, like convergence, are satisfied by a routing protocol; algorithms and protocols to support traffic engineering; methodologies and tools for non-intrusive network monitoring; tools for emulating networks (I am one one of the lead developers of the open source Netkit network emulation environment); and methods for the discovery of interdomain network topologies and for capturing routing policies that implement commercial agreements.

More details about my research activity can be found in the Research activity page.

A complete record of my current and past activities can be found in my full CV, available for download below.

Italian Curriculum Vitae in italian, PDF format
English Curriculum Vitae in english, PDF format
Date of last refresh is specified inside the CV