3DCube History

Although 3DCube is now a linux C++ library that supports the Web service available from these pages, in its first conception it was a fully fledged application running on a UNIX RISC 6000 workstation, using the Motif libraries for the management of the windows environment and the graPHIGS libraries for the three-dimensional visualisation.

This is a snapshot of a session with the original application displaying a graph of 24 nodes drawn by the Reduce-Forks algorithm.

Since 3DCube was developed with the explicit aim of devising new algorithms it also had a morphing utility to animate the algorithmic steps. The follwing snapshots show how an animation would appear in subsequent instants of time. The algorithm that is analized is Reduce-Fork.


3DCube also offered to the user the possibility of saving views (three-dimensional drawings complete of camera positions and orientations). These were called "snapshots" and this utility is represented in the picture below.