3DCube Demo

1) Define the graph to be drawn

You can edit the graph in the textbox below, starting from the examples on the left.

2) Choose a drawing algorithm

Select one of the available drawing algorithms below.

Drawing method Drawing standard Author(s) Year
Momentum Curve Straight-line grid drawing R.F. Cohen, P. Eades, T. Lin, and F. Ruskey 1994
Slices Orthogonal grid drawing T. Biedl 1995
Kolmogorov & Barzdin Orthogonal grid drawing P. Eades, C. Stirk, and S. Whitesides 1995
Compact Orthogonal grid drawing P. Eades, A. Symvonis, and S. Whitesides 1996
Three Bends Orthogonal grid drawing P. Eades, A. Symvonis, and S. Whitesides 1996
Papakostas & Tollis Orthogonal grid drawing A. Papakostas and I.G. Tollis 1997

Reduce Forks Orthogonal grid drawing G. Di Battista, M. Patrignani, and F. Vargiu 1998

3) Choose an output format

Select one of the available outputs below.


Explore in a new browser window (thanks to the JavaScript three-dimensional graph drawing viewer and editor 3Dtor).

GML textual output. A tab will open with a GML description of the drawing, to be saved and analyzed with your preferred software.

JSON output. This is actually 3Dtor input. A tab will open with a json description of the drawing, to be saved and analyzed with your preferred software.

VRML20 output. A tab will open with a VRML description of the drawing, to be saved and analyzed with your preferred VRML viewer.

4) Submit the graph

Click this button to send your graph to the server: