Universita' Roma Tre --- CD Ingegneria Informatica --- Dip Informatica e Automazione

Integrazione e trasformazione di dati

Anno accademico 2010-2011

Home page del corso -- Programma e materiale -- Avvisi


Argomenti che verranno trattati durante il corso (i codici fanno riferimento a materiali e articoli elencati sotto):


Calendario per le presentazioni delle tesine

Materiale presentato dagli studenti


A01 Philip A. Bernstein: Applying Model Management to Classical Meta Data Problems. Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) 2003.
Presenta le tematiche del model management. Introduttivo, sconsigliato per la presentazione finale.

A02 Rakesh Agrawal et al.: The Claremont Report on Database Research. Versione liberamente scaricabile; versione ufficiale poi pubblicata su Commun. ACM 52(6): 56-65 (2009).
Un interessante articolo sullo stato della ricerca nel settore delle basi di dati. Riassume i risultati di una riunione cui hanno partecipato un gruppo di autorevoli studiosi del settore, finalizzata a "fare il punto sulla ricerca". Contiene anche riferimenti a relazioni relative ad incontri simili svolti in passato. Molto utile da leggere, ma sconsigliato per la presentazione finale.

A03 P. Atzeni, P. Cappellari, R. Torlone, P. A. Bernstein, and G. Gianforme. Model-independent schema translation. VLDB Journal, 2008 (The original publication is available at springerlink) DOI: 10.1007/s00778-008-0105-2.
Una descrizione complessiva dell'approccio alla traduzione di schemi sviluppato all'interno del progetto MIDST.

A04 P. Atzeni, L. Bellomarini, F. Bugiotti and G. Gianforme. A runtime approach to model-independent schema and data translation. EDBT 2009 (The original publication is available at ACM DL) DOI: 10.1145/1516360.1516393.

A05 Philip A. Bernstein, Sergey Melnik. Model management 2.0: manipulating richer mappings. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1-12. (Original publication available from ACM DL) DOI: 10.1145/1247480.1247482

A06 Ronald Fagin, Laura M. Haas, Mauricio Hernández, Renée J. Miller, Lucian Popa, and Yannis Velegrakis. Clio: Schema Mapping Creation and Data Exchange. A.T. Borgida et al. (Eds.): Mylopoulos Festschrift, LNCS 5600, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 198-236 (The original publication is available at springerlink) DOI: 10.1007/s00778-008-0105-2.

A07 Ronald Fagin, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Lucian Popa, and Wang-Chiew Tan. Data exchange: Semantics and query answering. Theoretical Computer Science 336 (2005), pp. 89-124.

A08 Georg Gottlob, Alan Nash. Data Exchange: Computing Cores in Polynomial Time. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems (PODS'06), Chicago, USA, pages 40-49, 2009. (The original publication is available at ACM Portal) DOI: 10.1145/1142351.1142358.

A09 Ronald Fagin, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Lucian Popa, and Wang-Chiew Tan. Composing schema mappings: Second-order dependencies to the rescue. ACM Trans. on Database Systems 30, 4 (Dec. 2005), pp. 994-1055.

A10 Marcelo Arenas, Jorge Perez, Juan Reutter and Cristian Riveros. Inverting Schema Mappings: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'09), Lyon, France, pages 1018-1029, 2009.

A11 Ariel Fuxman, Mauricio A. Hernández, C. T. Howard Ho, Renée J. Miller, Paolo Papotti, Lucian Popa. Nested Mappings: Schema Mapping Reloaded. In Proceedings of VLDB'06, Seoul, South Korea, pages 67-78, 2009.

A12 Giansalvatore Mecca, Paolo Papotti, Salvatore Raunich. Core schema mappings. In Proceedings of SIGMOD'09, Providence, USA, pages 655-668, 2009. (The original publication is available at ACM Portal) DOI: 10.1145/1559845.1559914.

A13 Balder ten Cate, Laura Chiticariu, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Wang Chiew Tan. Laconic Schema Mappings: Computing the Core with SQL Queries. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Volume 2, Number 1, pages 1006-1017, 2009.

A14 Anish Das Sarma, Xin Dong, Alon Y. Halevy. Bootstrapping pay-as-you-go data integration systems. In Proceedings of SIGMOD'08, Vancouver, Canada, pages 861-874, 2008. (The original publication is available at ACM Portal) DOI: 10.1145/1376616.1376702.

A15 Sergey Melnik, Atul Adya, Philip A. Bernstein. Compiling mappings to bridge applications and databases. SIGMOD'07 (The original publication is available at http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1247480.1247532) .

A16 Alon Y. Halevy. Answering queries using views: A survey. The VLDB Journal, Volume 10, Number 4, 2001, 270-294. (The original publication is available at springerlink) DOI: 10.1007/s007780100054.

A17 Georg Gottlob, Reinhard Pichler, Vadim Savenkov. Normalization and Optimization of Schema Mappings. PVLDB 2(1): 1102-1113 (2009).

A18 Bogdan Alexe, Mauricio A. Hernández, Lucian Popa, Wang Chiew Tan. MapMerge: Correlating Independent Schema Mappings. PVLDB 3(1): 81-92 (2010).

A19 Melanie Herschel, Mauricio A. Hernández. Explaining Missing Answers to SPJUA Queries. PVLDB 3(1): 185-196 (2010).

A20 Bogdan Alexe, Wang Chiew Tan, Yannis Velegrakis. STBenchmark: towards a benchmark for mapping systems. PVLDB 1(1): 230-244 (2008).

A21 Laura Chiticariu, Phokion G. Kolaitis, Lucian Popa. Interactive generation of integrated schemas. SIGMOD Conference 2008 (The original publication is available at http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1376616.1376700).

A22 Paolo Papotti, Riccardo Torlone. Schema Exchange: A Template-Based Approach to Data and Metadata Translation. ER Conference 2007.

A23 M.A. Hernandez, P. Papotti, W.C. Tan. Data Exchange with Data-Metadata Translations.. In VLDB Conference, 2008.

A24 Todd J. Green, Grigoris Karvounarakis, Zachary G. Ives, Val Tannen. Update Exchange with Mappings and Provenance.. In VLDB Conference, 2007.

A25 Stefan Dessloch, Mauricio A. Hernández, Ryan Wisnesky, Ahmed Radwan, Jindan Zhou. Orchid: Integrating Schema Mapping and ETL.. In ICDE Conference, 2008.

Altro Materiale

Attualmente ancora non c'è un testo che copra in maniera adeguata data integration e data exchange. Esistono però, oltre agli articoli qui sopra, alcuni tutorial e survey che possono essere utili per consultazione:

M1 M. Lenzerini. Data integration: A theoretical perspective. Tutorial at PODS 2002.

M2 P. Kolaitis. Schema Mappings, Data Exchange, and Metadata Management. Tutorial at PODS 2005.

M3 M. J. Franklin, A. Y. Halevy, D. Maier. A first tutorial on dataspaces. Tutorial at VLDB 2008.