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Why a New Paradigm?

And why not? :-)
The purpose of object-oriented tecnology is to design and implement systems that have, among others, the following features:
The usual object-oriented paradigm can work in a variety of common applications by providing a good set of primitive concepts.
When the design activity becomes harder, design patterns can help but, if a problem arise in almost every part of the system, it is better to extend the paradigm in a convenient way.

Origins of the Project

Our work began with the target of designing a system for graph drawing to handle a large set of user needs. The need of handling many different kinds of graphs forced us to concentrate big efforts over a classification problem. The system had to be extensible in a natural way, so to allow the users to make experiments with new kinds of graphs.
We were free to choose any paradigm, but, for several reasons, we have selected the object-oriented one.

Problems with the Usual Object-Oriented Paradigm

The following is a list of problems encountered during the analysis phase and taken from the experience done with ALCOM-IT GDTookit and ALF [P. Bertolazzi et al., "Parametric Graph Drawing", IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, vol. 21, no. 8, aug. 1995].

State Extension

Crossed Classes

Promotion Efficiency (in Dynamic Classification)

Multiple "Decorations"


Other Systems Related to Graph Drawing

How other object-oriented systems solve (or ignore?) the above mentioned problems


It gives a class graph but no classification of graphs is given, the crossed classes problem and the promotion problem do not arise.
Extension of the state and multiple decoration can be simulated by using classes like node_map and edge_map. This avoids the problem of promotion, but it is impossible to update the new information in an automatic way when the support object changes its state. If one needs an automatic update, one must derive a new class and must override some methods. However, this approach to the design results in all the problems described above (crossed classes problem, promotion problem).


It is an extension to LEDA, but no support is added to solve the above mentioned problems, and no classification of graphs is provided. It only adds support for algorithm's visualization and animation.


It uses LEDA as a base to give a graphs hierarchy. The size of such hierarchy is limited by the crossed classes problem. Promotion problem is faced using an underlying implementation object (the LEDA graph) that can be used in other objects by coping pointers (steal_from method).

ALCOM-IT GDTookit home page


A very little hierarchy of hypergraphs is provided. Crossed classes problem and promotion problem are not solved. It is possible to add attributes to graph's elements, but this mechanism does not allow automatic update of the state of the extension object. Attributes are not classes and thus they are not useful to solve the multiple decoration problem.


ALF has a big hierarchy in which the crossed classes problem arise. Due to that problem, there are classes only for the "most useful" combination of properties, but this is a very inflexible choice. Very common features, like labelling or component set management, are handled by the most important class multigraph. No mechanisms are provided to solve the other problems.
P. Bertolazzi et al. - "Parametric Graph Drawing"
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, vol. 21, no. 8, aug. 1995


Labels are objects that can be bound to graphs, vertices and edges. They have its own methods and data but their most interesting feature is that each modification made to the graph is notified to the label as an event; thus labels can update their state accordingly. The same happens for labels of vertices and edges.
Labels make state extension with automatic update possible. Just one label for each type can be bound to a graph, so the multiple decorations problem remains. Labels of different types can be bound to the same graph, instead. ffgraph's labels mechanism is similar to inheritance, but it can be used only for graphs, vertices and edges.
ffgraph gives no classification of graphs. Classification of one level depth can be made by using labels. This avoids the crossed class problem and the promotion efficiency problem. A deeper classification cannot use label mechanism, therefore the usual problems arise.
Furthermore, the set of notified events is too small. Using label mechanism, it is impossible to add constraints to operations that user can apply to a graph, because pre-operation events are not available.

ffGraph library home page


Comparative Tables

(The following evaluations are very subjective (!) and arise from the above consideration)

With respect to general features:

DS (Diagram Server)
is a visualization tool
based on ALF.
Layout algorithms

With respect to analysis problems:

State extension
Multiple decorations
Crossed classes

After all, all the systems being considered have some limitation with respect to extensibility and flexibility.

not handled
very good

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