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The ECO Paradigm

ECO vs Object-Oriented

ECO (Extender and Class Oriented) paradigm is an extension of the usual object-oriented paradigm. This means that all concepts known in object-orientation have the same meaning in ECO. Plus, ECO add its own concepts.

New Concepts


The extender is the main concept introduced by ECO. Extenders are classes that have the following additional features:
The figure shows the graphical notation used for extenders (note the "E" in the triangle).
Extenders are good to solve state extension and multiple “decoration”problems.
This concept can solve also the promotion efficency problem because new information is added without create another instance of the support.


E-methods must be declared in a class and their semantics is defined in the extenders of that class. E-methods are only called in the ordinary (non E-) methods of the extended class.
The call of an E-method provokes the execution of its semantic definitions for each current extension object. Those executions have to be considered as (virtually) parallel. This is possible because each semantic definition of E-methods can modify only the status of the extension object, which it is called for.
Of course, the interaction is sequential on a sequential machine. The figure shows what happens when an E-method Check_ f ( ) is called. X is the support of the extension objects Y1, Y2,...,Yn. The choice of E-methods is a key part of the design because they represent the communication protocol between an object and all its extenders. Design patterns can help the designer.

Dynamic Inheritance

Extenders are useful to describe objects adding information to another object, but there are situations where they are not convenient. If the added information can be computed from the state of the support, the possibility of having more than one extension has no meaning. In this case extension objects represent a kind of dynamic inheritance, that is just one instance for each extender (and for a given support) has meaning. The programmer can access the dynamically added part through the support.
The graphical notation for dynamic inheritance is shown in figure (note the "D" in the triangle).
Dynamic inheritance is useful for solving the crossed classes problem, because using this technique an object can be member of more than one class: this set of classes is its ECO type. This value can change dynamically during the life of the object.
This concept can solve also the promotion efficency problem because the underlying mechanism is the same as for extenders and no copy of the support is needed.


An object can contain other objects; that is, it manages those objects exclusively. The extender performs a state extension extending those objects.
The figure shows a typical case. Each object belonging to Graph contains a set of objects belonging to Vertex. Labelling is an extender of Graph. Each Labelling contains a set of VertexLabel. VertexLabel is an extender of Vertex. The design introduces another constraint: a VertexLabel should be identified by a pair
<Labelling, Vertex>
Each Labelling can attach just one label to each Vertex.
The object diagram in the figure shows a run-time situation. The graph G contains two vertices V1 and V2, we call them tows. G is support of two labellings L1 and L2 and we call them owners. The objects contained in L1 and L2 are called trailers. A tow may have any number of trailers, but each owner can access only those it contains.

The described situation arises many times in the design. If a class contains other objects, almost every extender of it must manage trailers.

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