Planar Graphs with Vertices in Prescribed Regions: models, algorithms, and complexity

Reducibility among different notions of planarity


The volume and the complexity of structured relational information created and handled by modern information systems has drastically increased. More and more often, data are generated so quickly that they cannon even be completely displayed or stored, and the manual analysis of their relational content may just be impracticable. In such a complex scenario, the creation of new paradigms and the design of efficient algorithms for the layout, the exploration and the analysis of large and dynamic graphs have emerged as strategic research directions, encompassed with both great practical interest and intrinsic theoretical appeal.
The classic notion of graph, as a mathematical abstraction used to describe a binary relation among a set of entities, has been extended to meet these new challenges. New enhanced models of graphs have been conceived. They allow for representing aggregations, semantic affinities, hierarchies, and multiple or even dynamic relations on the same set of entities. … read more!

In Università degli Studi di Roma ``Roma Tre’', Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria, Sezione Informatica ed Automazione, XXVII Ciclo
Giordano Da Lozzo
Assistant Professor (RTDb)

My research interests are in Algorithm Engineering and Complexity, focused in particular on the theoretical and algorithmic challenges arising from the visualization of graphs.
