1.15 (June 2016) - No "real" changes. Just relaxed some warnings in the installer about PowerPoint 2016 being unsupported (which was incorrect). 1.14 (August 2015) - Improved handling of animations of text paragraphs. In particular, copying paragraphs between shapes sometimes required inserting an additional newline character at the paragraph end, which was never later removed. Although generally harmless, this caused text alignment to be garbled in some cases, especially when text was vertically aligned at bottom. Now injected newline characters are automatically removed after processing the relevant paragraphs (thanks to John Rowe for isolating the issue in a minimal example). 1.13 (February 2015) - Improved processing of bullet formatting in itemized lists. Still far from being perfect, but a richer number of cases should now be correctly handled (thanks to Scott Otterson for sending a minimal example triggering a specific instance of the problem). 1.12 (October 2014) - Fixed a bug in the clearParagraph subroutine: the bullet character was improperly set to character 160, but it had to be set to character 32 (space) instead (thanks to Leon Carvalho for pointing this out). 1.11 (Jul 2013) - Fixed a bug that could cause crashes of the add-in in at least 50% of the installations when processing path motion effects. Evidence of the bug depended on the nationality where the add-in was installed (yes, it's not a joke!) The bug lied in the conversion of decimal separator characters from the '.' character used in the internal representation of path motion effects to the character adopted in the host machine's locale setting. 1.10 (May 2013) - Fixed a small bug that could cause a crash when fixing slide numbers in the presence of multiple slide masters (the first slide master was not always displayed as the current master, causing shape selection to fail in some cases). This bug only affected the implementation for PowerPoint <=2003. - Fixed a glitch with the detection of the selected slide range. It only affected splitting on a selected range of slides, and caused errors in recognizing the range if slides were not selected in the order in which they appeared in the presentation. Now the range is assumed to start at the lowest numbered selected slide and to end at the highest numbered selected slide: regardless of the range being contiguous or not, all the slides in between are processed. - Reversed semantic for internal variables representing the status of the "Split on mouse click" and "Adjust slide numbers" buttons. This has no impact on the final user except that, in case of failure of the add-in, the internal status is reverted to "True" for both of them (until now it was reverted to "False"), regardless of the status of the buttons. 1.9 (May 2013) - Fixed a (very subtle) problem that caused skipping of some animation effects in the timeline during the preprocessing phase that deletes shapes that are supposed to appear later in a slide. The problem occurred when, during that phase, deletion of a shape caused disappearance from the timeline of effects for the same shape that preceded the currently processed effect. - Fixed release number in the about dialog for PowerPoint 2003. - Fixed progress percentage indication during the initial phase that fixes slide numbers (it contained decimals). 1.8 (Mar 2013) - Fixed some problems with animated text ranges containing text with superscript or subscript style. - Very minor fixes in the PowerPoint 2003 toolbar (there was a missing button group separator). - Removed a misplaced comment about the unsupported features in the source code for PowerPoint 2007. - The progress bar documenting the advancement of the slide number adjustment missed the percentage value in PowerPoint 2007. 1.7 (Jan 2013) - If slide numbers are displayed in slide footers, it is now possible to keep them consistent with those appearing in the original presentation: if splitting a single slide from the original presentation results in several slides, the same slide number is displayed for all of them. - When applying an animation effect to a placeholder for the first time, the "animate background shape" option is disabled but implicitly activated. Relevant effects now take this into account and implicitly assume that the whole shape is to be animated when it is a placeholder. - The ChangeLineColor emphasis effect did not apply correctly if the shape had no line shown. Same for the ChangeFillColor effect. Fixed. - Improved Office XP/2003 toolbar. - Added an about dialog box. 1.6 (Sep 2012) - Removed the progress bar from the progress form. This solves problems with missing Microsoft Form controls and relaxes architecture dependency. 1.5 (Jan 2012) - Fixed a small regression. There is a special case when for a text box there are separate animations for the shape and the contained text. In this case, just after having pasted the box to implement an entry effect, the text contents must be immediately deleted by the applyEffect function itself if they are supposed to appear later on, because they have been pasted together with the shape. Now, this behaviour must be restricted to entry effects for text paragraphs only. Applying the same behaviour (i.e., purging future effects immediately after pasting a shape) to every shape leads to incorrect results. 1.4 (Jan 2012) - Solved a small bug in shape scaling effects. Resizing failed for all shapes having a locked aspect ratio and text frames where text auto-fitting was enabled. 1.3 (Nov 2011) - Improved handling of effects affecting text paragraphs instead of entire shapes. This should solve issues such as lost text styles (bold, italic, underline, etc.) and early appearing paragraphs in the split slides. - Fixed a small bug which caused incorrect handling of rotation emphasis effects. The bug affected shapes that were already rotated before applying the effect. - Improved handling of shape resize emphasis effects in Office <=2003: now the font size is more likely to be correctly updated even when the effect operates on a group of shapes. Note that: 1) font size for text boxes in nested groups will still not be updated, and 2) sometimes the font size may be scaled incorrectly (guess why? Because PowerPoint returns a garbled size for existing text). - Improved handling of entry effects for shapes that have an entry effect on their own + an entry effect for each text paragraph they have inside. - (Again) improved icon for Office XP (2002) and 2003. Now it should match the button icon size, so that ugly scalings do not happen any longer. - The installer should now correctly issue a warning also when at least one of the detected Office releases is not recognized (e.g., Office 2000). 1.2 (Oct 2011) - Improved (un)installer: now (un)configures the add-in for every installed PowerPoint releases, not just the first one. Moreover, detection of installed PowerPoint releases has been improved. 1.1 (Dec 2010) - Worked around a PowerPoint bug affecting handling of effects with the "hide on next mouse click" option activated. - Fixed a bug in the update of the progress bar which caused a crash when handling effects with the "hide on next mouse click" option activated. - Support for Office 2010, both 32 and 64 bit versions. Installer automatically recognizes the correct architecture. - Slightly improved button icon for Office XP (2002) and 2003. 1.0 (Nov 2009) - First release