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Strings ( string )


An instance s of the data type string is a sequence of characters (type char). The number of characters in the sequence is called the length of s. A string of length zero is called the empty string. Strings can be used wherever a C++char* string can be used.

Strings differ from the C++type char* in several aspects: parameter passing by value and assignment works properly (i.e., the value is passed or assigned and not a pointer to the value) and strings offer many additional operations.

#include < LEDA/string.h >


string s introduces a variable s of type string. s is initialized with the empty string.
string s(const char* p) introduces a variable s of type string. s is initialized with a copy of the C ++string p.
string s(const char* format, ...)
    introduces a variable s of type string. s is initialized with the string produced by printf(format,...).
string s(char c) introduces a variable s of type string. s is initialized with the one-character string ``c''.


int  s.length() returns the length of string s.
char& s[int i] returns the character at position i.
Precondition: 0 < = i < = s.length()-1.
string s(int i, int j) returns the substring of s starting at position max(0, i) and ending at position min(j, s.length()-1).
If min(j, s.length() -1) < max(0, i) then the empty string is returned.
string  s.head(int i) returns the first i characters of s.
string  s.tail(int i) returns the last i characters of s.
int  s.pos(string s1, int i) returns the minimum j such that j > = i and s1 is a substring of s starting at position j (returns -1 if no such j exists).
int  s.pos(string s1) returns pos(s1, 0).
string  s.insert(int i, string s1)
    returns s(0, i - 1) + s1 + s(i, s.length()-1).
string  s.replace(string s1, string s2, int i=1)
    returns the string created from s by replacing the i-th occurrence of s1 in s by s2.
string  s.replace(int i, int j, string s1)
    returns the string created from s by replacing s(i, j) by s1.
Precondition: i < = j.
string  s.replace(int i, string s1)
    returns the string created from s by replacing s[i] by s1.
string  s.replace_all(string s1, string s2)
    returns the string created from s by replacing all occurrences of s1 in s by s2.
Precondition: The occurrences of s1 in s do not overlap (it's hard to say what the function returns if the precondition is violated.).
string  s.del(string s1, int i=1) returns s.replace(s1,"", i).
string  s.del(int i, int j) returns s.replace(i, j,"").
string  s.del(int i) returns s.replace(i,"").
string  s.del_all(string s1) returns s.replace_all(s1,"").
void I, char delim = ' ')
    reads characters from input stream I into s until the first occurrence of character delim.
void delim = ' ') same as to,delim).
void  s.read_line(istream& I) same as to,' $ \backslash$ n').
void  s.read_line() same as to s.read_line(cin).
void  s.read_file(istream& I) same as to,'EOF').
void  s.read_file() same as to s.read_file(cin).
string& s += x appends x to s and returns a reference to s.
string x + y returns the concatenation of x and y.
bool x == y true iff x and y are equal.
bool x != y true iff x and y are not equal.
bool x < y true iff x is lexicographically smaller than y.
bool x > y true iff x is lexicographically greater than y.
bool x <= y returns (x < y)|(x = = y).
bool x >= y returns (x > y)|(x = = y).
istream& istream& I >> string& s same as,' ').
ostream& ostream& O << s writes string s to the output stream O.


Strings are implemented by C++character vectors. All operations involving the search for a pattern s1 in a string s take time O(s.lenght()*s1.length()), [] takes constant time and all other operations on a string s take time O(s.length()).

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