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Node Partitions ( node_partition )


An instance P of the data type node$ \_$partition is a partition of the nodes of a graph G.

#include < LEDA/node _partition.h >


node_partition P(graph G) creates a node_partition P containing for every node v in G a block {v}.


int  P.same_block(node v, node w)
    returns true if v and w belong to the same block of P, false otherwise.
void  P.union_blocks(node v, node w)
    unites the blocks of P containing nodes v and w.
void  P.split(list<node> L) makes all nodes in L to singleton blocks.
Precondition: L is a union of blocks.
void  P.make_rep(node v) makes v the canonical representative of the block containing v.
node P.find(node v) returns a canonical representative node of the block that contains node v.
int  P.size(node v) returns the size of the block that contains node v.
node P(node v) returns P.find(v).


A node partition for a graph G is implemented by a combination of a partition P and a node array of partition$ \_$item associating with each node in G a partition item in P. Initialization takes linear time, union_blocks takes time O(1) (worst-case), and same_block and find take time O( alpha (n)) (amortized). The cost of a split is proportional to the cost of the blocks dismantled. The space requirement is O(n), where n is the number of nodes of G.

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