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Integers of Arbitrary Length ( integer )


An instance a of the data type integer is an integer number of arbitrary length.

#include < LEDA/integer.h >


integer a creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with zero.
integer a(int n) creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with the value of n.
integer a(unsigned int i) creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with the value of n.
integer a(long l) creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with the value of l.
integer a(unsigned long i) creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with the value of i.
integer a(double x) creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with the integral part of x.
integer a(int sz, const digit* vec)
    creates an instance a of type integer and initializes it with the value represented by the first sz digits vec.
integer a(char* s) a creates an instance a of type integer from its decimal representation given by the string s.
integer a(number_string s) a creates an instance a of type integer from its decimal representation given by the string s.


The arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, + =, - =, * =, / =, -(unary), + +, - -, the modulus operation (%, % =), bitwise AND (&, & =), bitwise OR (|,| =), the complement ($ \tilde{}$), the shift operations (< <, > >), the comparison operations <, < =, >, > =, = =, ! = and the stream operations all are available.

int  a.length() returns the number of bits of the representation of a.
bool a.is_long() returns whether a fits in the data type long.
long  a.to_long() returns a long number which is initialized with the value of a. Precondition: a.is_long() is true.
double  a.to_double() returns a double floating point approximation of a.
number_string  a.to_string() returns the decimal representation of a.
integer&  a.from_string(number_string s)
    sets a to the number that has decimal respresentation s.
sz_t  a.used_words() returns the length of the digit vector that represents a.
digit  a.highword() returns the most significant digit of a.
digit  a.contents(int i) returns the i-th digit of a.
void  a.hex_print(ostream& o) prints the digit vector that represents a in hex format to the output stream o.
bool a.iszero() returns whether a is equal to zero.

Non-member functions

double  to_double(integer a) returns a double floating point approximation of a.
integer  sqrt(integer a) returns the largest integer which is not larger than the square root of a.
integer  abs(integer a) returns the absolute value of a.
integer  gcd(integer a, integer b) returns the greatest common divisor of a and b.
int  log(integer a) returns the logarithm of a to the basis 2.
int  sign(integer a) returns the sign of a.
integer  sqr(integer a) returns a2.
integer  integer::random(int n) returns a random integer of length n bits.


An integer is essentially implemented by a vector vec of unsignedlong numbers. The sign and the size are stored in extra variables. Some time critical functions are also implemented in sparc assembler code.

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