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Circles ( circle )


An instance C of the data type circle is an oriented circle in the plane passing through three points p1, p2, p3. The orientation of C is equal to the orientation of the three defining points, i.e. orientation(p1, p2, p3). If | {p1, p2, p3} |= 1 C is the empty circle with center p1. If p1, p2, p3 are collinear C is a straight line passing through p1, p2 and p3 in this order and the center of C is undefined.

#include < LEDA/circle.h >


circle C(point a, point b, point c)
    introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to the oriented circle through points a, b, and c.
circle C(point a, point b) introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to the counter-clockwise oriented circle with center a passing through b.
circle C(point a) introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to the trivial circle with center a.
circle C introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to the trivial circle with center (0, 0).
circle C(point c, double r) introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to the circle with center c and radius r with positive (i.e. counter-clockwise) orientation.
circle C(double x, double y, double r)
    introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to the circle with center (x, y) and radius r with positive (i.e. counter-clockwise) orientation.
circle C(circle c, int prec) introduces a variable C of type circle. C is initialized to a copy of c. The second argument is for compatability with rat_circle.


point returns the center of C.
Precondition: The orientation of C is not 0.
double  C.radius() returns the radius of C.
Precondition: The orientation of C is not 0.
double  C.sqr_radius() returns the squared radius of C.
Precondition: The orientation of C is not 0.
point C.point1() returns p1.
point C.point2() returns p2.
point C.point3() returns p3.
point C.point_on_circle(double alpha, double=0)
    returns a point p on C with angle of alpha.
bool C.is_degenerate() returns true if the defining points are collinear.
bool C.is_trivial() returns true if C has radius zero.
int  C.orientation() returns the orientation of C.
int  C.side_of(point p) returns -1, +1, or 0 if p lies right of, left of, or on C respectively.
bool C.inside(point p) returns true if p lies inside of C, false otherwise.
bool C.outside(point p) returns !C.inside(p).
bool C.contains(point p) returns true if p lies on C, false otherwise.
circle  C.translate_by_angle(double a, double d)
    returns C translated in direction a by distance d.
circle  C.translate(double dx, double dy)
    returns C translated by vector (dx, dy).
circle  C.translate(vector v) returns C translated by vector v.
circle C + vector v returns C translated by vector v.
circle C - vector v returns C translated by vector - v.
circle  C.rotate(point q, double a)
    returns C rotated about point q by angle a.
circle  C.rotate(double a) returns C rotated about the origin by angle a.
circle  C.rotate90(point q) returns C rotated about q by an angle of 90 degrees.
circle  C.reflect(point p, point q)
    returns C reflected across the straight line passing through p and q.
circle  C.reflect(point p) returns C reflected across point p.
circle  C.reverse() returns C reversed.
list<point>  C.intersection(circle D) returns C < intersection > D as a list of points.
list<point>  C.intersection(line l) returns C < intersection > l as a list of (zero, one, or two) points sorted along l.
list<point>  C.intersection(segment s) returns C < intersection > s as a list of (zero, one, or two) points sorted along s.
segment C.left_tangent(point p) returns the line segment starting in p tangent to C and left of segment [p,].
segment C.right_tangent(point p) returns the line segment starting in p tangent to C and right of segment [p,].
double  C.distance(point p) returns the distance between C and p.
double  C.sqr_dist(point p) returns the squared distance between C and p.
double  C.distance(line l) returns the distance between C and l.
double  C.distance(circle D) returns the distance between C and D.

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LEDA research project