Graph Drawing Toolkit

An object-oriented C++ library for handling and drawing graphs
Current Version: 4.0

Project Description
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Test suite

Each release of GDT is tested by running all the applicable algorithms on a number of graphs ranging in size (number of vertices) from 10 to 1000. Most of the test graphs are taken from the test suite described in this section. The test suite is also used by the GDT development team in order to perform non-regression tests after any major update of the software.

The core part of the test suite is currently composed by five graph sets, containing graphs ranging from 10 to 10,000 vertices. The rationale behind this, is to group graphs according to their topological characteristics, such us planarity or biconnectivity. A list of the graph sets currently available in the test suite is given hereunder, along with a brief description for each of them, and a link to a file (with extension .tgz) containing the graphs.

  • RND/BU4P
    This graph set contains 531 randomly generated graphs, used in "S.S. Bridgeman, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, G. Liotta, R. Tamassia, and L. Vismara, Turn-regularity and optimal area drawings of orthogonal representations, Comput. Geom. Theory Appl., vol. 16, no. 1, 2000, pages 53--93". Each graph in the set is biconnected, undirected, and 4-planar

    File name GDT-testsuite-BU4P.tgz
    File size 1,810,273 Bytes (uncompressed: 16,128,000 Bytes)
    Graph type biconnected, undirected, and 4-planar
    Number of graphs 531

  • ALF/CU
    This graph set contains about 10.000 (ten thousands) graphs extracted from the ALF graph base, used in "G. Di Battista and A. Garg and G. Liotta and R. Tamassia and E. Tassinari and F. Vargiu, An Experimental Comparison of Four Graph Drawing Algorithms, Comput. Geom. Theory Appl., vol 7, 1997, pages 303--325".

    File name GDT-testsuite-CU.tgz
    File size 2,943,339 Bytes (uncompressed: 37,406,720 Bytes)
    Graph type connected and undirected
    Number of graphs 10,000 (ten thousands)

  • ALF/CD
    This graph set contains about 10.000 (ten thousands) graphs extracted from the ALF graph base, used in "G. Di Battista and A. Garg and G. Liotta and R. Tamassia and E. Tassinari and F. Vargiu, An Experimental Comparison of Four Graph Drawing Algorithms, Comput. Geom. Theory Appl., vol 7, 1997, pages 303--325". Each graph in the set is connected and directed (edge directions have been set randomly).

    File name GDT-testsuite-CD.tgz
    File size 3,269,315 Bytes (uncompressed: 37,539,840 Bytes)
    Graph type connected and directed
    Number of graphs 10,000 (ten thousands)

    This graph set contains about 200 (two hundreds) graphs generated randomly. Each graph in the set is biconnected, undirected and planar.

    File name GDT-testsuite-BUP.tgz
    File size 347,664 Bytes (uncompressed: 2,652,160 Bytes)
    Graph type biconnected, undirected, and planar
    Number of graphs 200 (two hundreds)

    This graph set contains about 200 (two hundreds) graphs generated randomly. Each graph in the set is biconnected, directed and planar-bimodal.

    File name GDT-testsuite-BDPB.tgz
    File size 339,985 Bytes (uncompressed: 2,539,520 Bytes)
    Graph type biconnected, directed, and planar-bimodal
    Number of graphs 200 (two hundreds)

Last update: February 08, 2008