TORQUE toolkit Change Log 1.3.4 (March 24th, 2005) - Fixed a bug in the tdiffGraph tool which caused incorrect reporting of edge counts inside the graphs (i.e., directed edges count also included peering edges). 1.3.3 (March 23rd, 2005) - Fixed a bug inside removeNode which caused an improper update of the edge count - Introduced basic support for dates - Edges of policy graphs can now store information about the date a given policy has been last updated and the registry the policy comes from - Warning: policy graph files use a completely different format (also read: incompatible) from the one used in version 1.3.2; hence, policy graph files generated with Torque 1.3.3 cannot be processed by Torque 1.3.2 and vice versa. - Fixed the behavior of tmakeGraph when directing edges according to AS path information: when an adjacency between ASes is found twice with reversed order, the corresponding edge on the graph is marked as bi-directed instead of assuming the orientation of the last instance of the adjacency. 1.3.2 - Removed a (consistent) limit on the length of policies inside the policy graphs 1.3.1 - Fixed a bug that caused a segmentation fault when saving to file policy graphs using unset (i.e., NULL) policies 1.3 - Makefile now includes a 'library' target to build the libtorque.a archive - A new kind of graph, the policy graph, is now supported. Please read the MANUAL file for more information about it. - The Graph class now allows to generate the graph spanned during a traversal. Please read the MANUAL file for more information about it. - Fixed some compilation warnings with g++ 3.3.3 - Corrected weird code comments stating that graphs are saved into binary files(!) 1.2 - Fixed a bug in the updateEdge function in graph.h (curNode was of type node*) - Removed some compilation warnings 1.1 - g++ 3.2.2 is now supported