[GDNET] PostDoc Position in Algorithms at KIT

Wagner, Dorothea (ITI) dorothea.wagner at kit.edu
Fri Jun 17 11:17:06 CEST 2016

==========================PostDoc Position in Algorithms at 

Applications are invited for a

  PostDoc in Algorithms

at the research group Algorithm Engineering headed by Dorothea Wagner at 
the Institute of Theoretical
Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

The position is full-time and can be started as soon as possible for the 
applicant. The postdoc salary is
competitive and depends on the applicant's qualification. The contract 
for the postdoc will be limited to two
years with the possibility of extension.

Applicants should have a background in algorithms, theoretical computer 
science and/or discrete mathematics and
an interest in graph algorithms, computational geometry and algorithm 
engineering. The position will be funded
by the Helmholtz programme "Storage and Cross-linked Infrastructures". 
Therefore, the postdoc should have a
research interest in algorithmic aspects of energy networks.

Applicants should have an excellent PhD degree in computer science, 
mathematics or a related discipline.

The application material should include (1) a cover letter describing 
the interest in the position, (2) a CV
and list of publications, (3) a short research summary, and (4) the 
names and contact information of at least
two references. The material must be sent via email, preferably as a 
single PDF,
to <sekr-wagner at ira.uka.de> by July 8, 2016.


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute of Theoretical Informatics
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wagner

76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
+49 721 608 43919/47330
dorothea.wagner at kit.edu

KIT - The Research University in the Helmholtz-Association

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