[GDNET] PhD fellowship in Geometric Modeling

Ioannis Emiris emiris at di.uoa.gr
Tue May 17 13:42:57 CEST 2016


PhD fellowship in Geometric Modeling

University of Athens, and ATHENA Research Center, Athens, Greece

We are pleased to announce a PhD position in the Department of Informatics
and Telecommunications at the University of Athens, and ATHENA Research
Center, Athens, Greece. The topic lies at the crossroads of computer-aided
geometric design, scientific computing, and the design and development of
algorithms. It focuses on compact and efficient implicit representations
for geometric objects given by parametric or point cloud models. Two long
visits (secondments) are planned to SINTEF (Oslo, Norway) and to
industrial partner RISC-Software (Linz, Austria).

The fellowship is in the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Network
ARCADES (http://arcades-network.eu), which provides a stimulating research
environment, supporting a total of 13 PhD students, of which two are in
Athens. The project will take place under the supervision of Professor
Ioannis Emiris, who leads the ErGA Lab (http://erga.di.uoa.gr). This is a
vibrant Lab, that includes a number of PhD students and Postdoc
researchers working in several aspects of geometric and algebraic
computing. The Lab maintains strong ties and supports exchanges with
leading European and international teams, in particular INRIA
Sophia-Antipolis, France.

Eligible candidates should:
* Have a MSc degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Engineering, or
an equivalent diploma allowing them to pursue a PhD.
* Not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies,
etc.) in Greece for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior
to recruitment.
* Be, at the date of recruitment, in the first 4 years of their research
career, and not have a PhD.

The ideal candidate is expected to have a strong background in Algorithms
and Programming, and to have a very good command of English language. A
background in Linear Algebra or Computational Algebra is desirable.
ARCADES strives to increase the share of women in research and strongly
encourages women to apply.

The fellowship lasts for 3 years and offers a competitive (gross) salary
comprised of a living and mobility allowance of 3,485 €/month, and a
family allowance of 500 €/month, depending on family status.

The position is available immediately. Applications shall be accepted
until the position is filled. The expected starting date is September
2016. To apply, please send the following by email to
arcades at athena-innovation.gr or emiris at di.uoa.gr:
-- a short letter of motivation,
-- a detailed CV,
-- a transcript of the Master studies’ grades, and the Master thesis if
-- the completed eligibility form (see our website below),
-- and arrange for at least one letter of recommendation, preferably by
the Master's thesis supervisor, to be sent to the above email addresses.

For details see http://arcades-network.eu/index.php/open-positions/.

Ioannis Z Emiris, Professor
Dept Informatics & Telecoms, U. Athens, Greece
Network ARCADES offers 13 PhD positions: http://arcades-network.eu/

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