[GDNET] CfP Graph Drawing Contest 2014

Carsten Gutwenger carsten.gutwenger at cs.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Jul 24 20:53:37 CEST 2014

                    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                  21st Graph Drawing Contest


The 21st Annual Graph Drawing Contest shall be held in conjunction with the 22nd International 
Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD 2014).

This year, the contest has the three topics: Metro map layout, composers graph, and the graph 
drawing challenge.

TOPIC 1: Metro map layout

For this topic, you are given the data of Würzburg's tram and bus network. The data include 25 
bus/tram lines with information about their stops as well as geographic information about the stops. 
The task is to visualize the network in a metro map style layout as clear as possible.

For details, see: http://graphdrawing.de/contest2014/topic1.html

TOPIC 2: Composers graph

For this topic, you are given a large directed graph, where the nodes represent Wikipedia articles 
about composers, and the edges represent links between these articles. The task is to identify the 
about 150 most important nodes in the graph and to create a layout of the resulting subgraph.

For details, see: http://graphdrawing.de/contest2014/topic2.html

TOPIC 3: Graph drawing challenge

The challenge will be held during the conference in a format similar to a typical programming 
contest, where teams are presented with a collection of challenge graphs and have approximately one 
hour to submit their highest scoring drawings. This year the challenge shall focus on minimizing the 
area for orthogonal grid layouts.

For details, see: http://graphdrawing.de/contest2014/challenge.html


Electronic submissions (by email) must be received by September 22 (23:59 CEST) and should include 
the following information:

Names and email addresses of the contributors.
A picture (or other kind of visualization) illustrating the graph. PDFs are preferred.
A brief description on how the graph and layout were produced.
If your drawing requires special printing because of size, resolution, or color constraints, you are 
encouraged to submit via hard-copy. In this case, please contact us in advance and make sure that 
your submission is received no later than September 19.

Please send your contest submissions to:

Carsten Gutwenger
TU Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Straße 14
44229 Dortmund

contest at graphdrawing.de


Details about this year's awards will be announced soon!


Carsten Gutwenger (chair)   TU Dortmund
Maarten Löffler             Utrecht University		
Lev Nachmanson              Microsoft Research		
Ignaz Rutter                Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

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