Previous releases

Major PLaSM changes were released every about four years. Let we compare the main differences between the main releases.

In PLaSM 3  we dropped the previous basic support for Booleans because so slow to be unusable (about 1994), and added: a quite sophisticated multidimensional color system,  VRML 1.0, VRML 2.0 and animation support based on OpenInventor (1998). The version 3, as the previous ones, was based on Common Lisp, and as editor and IDE we used a specialized Emacs.

PLaSM 4 was completely rewritten with Scheme and C/C++ (2002), by adding a functional Class system, basic support for Booleans, XML save/restore of memory objects, basic SVG and Flash support, and a good implementation of animated VRML, fully integrated with other language features. Actually, the geometric kernel suffered with memory management and with a fast but buggy implementation of Cartesian product and skeleton extraction. Several tools where added in later years, including he Gt-based Xplode and Visual PLaSM IDEs, the Eclipse plugin, and the LaTeX support.

Plasm 4.0 Mac OS X

Plasm 4.0 Mac OS X

.dmg, powerPC binary, 10 MB

Plasm 4.0 Windows

Plasm 4.0 Windows

.exe installer, 10.1 MB

Plasm source 3.5

Plasm source 3.5

.tgz archive, common lisp, 13 MB

Plasm source 4.0

Plasm source 4.0

.tgz archive, all inclusive, 

Xplode source 2.1

Xplode source 2.1

.tgz archive, 1.2 MB

Xplode source 2.2

Xplode source 2.2

.tgz archive, 1.1 MB

PLaSM is Free Software and may be distributed under GNU LGPL